Stereo Assassin’s “new enemy” – a “group of trolls called The Joy of Satan.

Stereo Assassin’s “new enemy” – a “group of trolls called The Joy of Satan.

The Joy of Satan is unaware of their new publicity man, but he’s out there on social media, making sure everyone knows about the JoS and their love of…Trump? Yes, “Stereo Assassin” has ‘joined forces’ with the kids of Joy of Satan, as a “white man” and “proud patriot” he wants the entire world to know, HE is the voice for all and his music is the music of Father Satan. Also known as Enki. When applicable. When he isn’t high on drugs or rambling repeatedly about the same shit due to massive head injuries sustained after dozens of beatings for being a complete douchebag at clubs, bars and anywhere in the nightlife scene in the past 25+ years, he is walking around his town, smoking and yelling into his cell phone. Supposedly, this guy is “using again,” so he was a drug addict in his 20’s and 30’s, and he’s back on dope again. He’s gotten his ass kicked in so many times that his head isn’t quite right. He’s mentally around age 13, chronologically he’s going on 53. He’s a perfect fit for Joy of Satan, don’t you all agree?

You can find “Stereo Assassin,” aka Kevin M Caputo, on many social sites. He spends most of his days and nights on Facebook and Instagram, but he does use Twitter also. He loves attention, good or bad, so if you feel the feels for giving this retarded “devil/satan tattooed” loser a piece of your mind, he is @stereoassassin666 on Instagram and

We have some great pics of him thinking he’s trolling “Antifa trolls” and/or “libtards” but in all actuality, he’s just posting hilariously ignorant and uninformed nonsense to the Exposing the JOY of SATAN Facebook Page.

He has ranted repeatedly that he is “trolling the Joy of Satan” but in the same rant he’ll say he was a Satanist or he agrees with JoS philosophies such as white pride and white supremacy, white privilege and his disgust for other races. He’s against race-mixing. He seems to wish to collude with JoS to expand his “fan base” and gather more likes and follows.

Nothing this deranged, loopy maniac says actually makes any sense, but then again, look at him…what would one expect from a man-child buffoon that loves Trump, is trying to get cancer and gets off sexually on making abusive, harassing comments or threats to most users online, both men and women?

We have no idea why he came to EtJOS on Facebook, but he thinks WE are Joy of Satan so he asks users to review our page (LMAO) and in return, he’ll give you, for free OMFG, a song from his horrible crap he calls music. He just lays shit and noise over other people’s music.

We totally fucked him over, so he’s gone now, but we want Joy of Satan to know that this monkey ass thinks he’s battling with THE Joy of Satan. NOT us…the JoS! This is your new fan, Joy of Satan! HoodedPenis and Mageson can deal with this loser; surely they’ll send their little army of emo kids to attack this “enemy!” 😀

He got what he had coming to him. Right now, as of this moment, he is miserable. He thought we were just “a group of Antifa trolls” and that he was the reason for our existence. Now he has found out that you don’t mess with Exposing the JOY of SATAN. He’s depressed, he’s physically and mentally wrecked and he had it coming to him.

Screen Shot 2018-01-26 Lies about Haley Thompson

ORLY? We can all get the “always crying, always upset” part…after all, she had to deal with a bully and predator and she was not happy with his behavior at all. She also had to deal with his use of her personal profile to post — he forced her to give her login and password and he often posted to his personal profile and to his “Stereo Assassin” Page as her. It was never her. He did the same in his group, “Wicked Music for Wicked People.”
Hey! Fostar Child joined the group not knowing he joined a retarded moron’s group of flying monkeys.
40pounds since Nov? Doubt it!

In case you still question this man-child’s mentality, here is a recent photo of Haley.
Most obviously not on drugs or 40 pounds larger than she was in November of 2017.


Again, this is what he said about her in January:
Screen Shot 2018-01-26 Lies about Haley Thompson

His cat is DEAD. He doesn’t deserve to have any cats. Cat people on Long Island aren’t too happy about his “situation” with all those cats so things will happen…
He chain smokes and that smoke is so dangerous to animals, dogs, cats, any pets you might have—Kevin smoked indoors, one after another and the cat left. Soon they will all leave and not return because cats get lung cancer too easily from second-hand smoke. Stereo Assassin can make a song about how cigarettes made Dennis leave him. His bonus song will be “Who Rehomed All My Cats WTF *spits stutters*” and you’ll get it free for leaving a good review on and this blatantly racist label that claims they “signed” this trolling cyberbully:
Like Kevin always says, go leave a 1-star review.

Back to the facts.

Let’s be clear, again.

Admin Post

I think most users who visit this blog site know exactly what we stand for and do. We cannot have monkeyboys like this wanna-be old has-been loser trying to take the focus away from what Exposing the Joy of Satan’s mission is. We post the facts about the Nazi hate group and cult titled “The Joy of Satan” which is an online-only cult.

So, a “Big Big Big Win” to him is when a group shuts his mouth. LOL
We took away his voice and he thinks he won. Why are we giving him airplay right now? To help those who can see what a fuckboy he is, do what he does to others — he puts it out, let it all come back to him tenfold.

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This is the Trump dick sucker Kevin Caputo of Oceanside NY trying to post here over and over:

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EtJOS never had a YouTube channel, therefore, we are not worried or concerned about your rants over something we had no part of.

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This is what happens when you are so desperate you pretend to be a Hell’s Angels member threatening someone random online. See you at the Hempstead, NY hangout, Kevin. LOL NOT! Your weak and scared ass would never dare…

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Sorry Kevin. We never had a YouTube channel and we never will.

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Kevin, your IQ must be below 100. For the 100th time, we EXPOSE a HATE GROUP that is pro-Nazi and hates Jews. Can you grasp this or do you need the EZ-Reader version?


Kevin, learn to read. Learn to comprehend what you read. Anti-Semitism is the opposite of the information we give out via this blog and our Facebook page, so why are you claiming we are anti-Semitic? If anyone is a Nazi-loving Hilterhead, it’s you, buddy.

Booby Gustafson, Overkill

ORLY? So according to this email, Bobby Gustafson from OVERKILL emailed this blog and made a vague threat, Caputo-style. Not buying it, Kevin. Nope.

WE have never had a YouTube Channel and never will.
All of these emails were from the same user. All used the same device(s). We use tracking and tracing here. Kevin Caputo tried to leave two comments to the blog and both matched these email sources.

All the above screenshots are being sent to the WordPress blog owner for
The blog owner(s) of can use any content from this blog pertaining to “Stereo Assassin” aka Kevin M Caputo.

As a group of people who research the Nazi cult group “Joy of Satan” and expose their connection to Nazism and anti-Semitic hate groups, we are NOT ‘Antifa’ or any political group and we are surely not Neo-Nazis or anti-Semitic as Kevin Caputo states repeatedly to “his fans” otherwise known as “his flock of morons.”

We are a small group of people, and yes, there is a Satanist amongst us. EtJOS was created years ago, so there is NO connection to this clown whatsoever. We have never served as a source to post anything about this small-minded little man, regardless of his delusions that we did and that Exposing the Joy of Satan was created solely to “harass” him, the poor victim crying wolf. EtJOS serves one main purpose and we have made that explicitly clear time and time again.

Even his “fans” are retarded. Not one has had an education.

He makes fun of Transgendered people all the time. He thinks the #metoo
hashtag was a “liberal joke” and made fun of it for weeks.

Getting cancer…

Getting cancer…

Smoking as usual, this was a video he made about finding out there is a WordPress blog about him. “To,” Kevin.
Too, two, to. Learn your words, numbskull.

Keep smoking. *evil giggle*

Nope! But we all “missed” all those videos you deleted that came up on other sites. Why pretend you were offline for days when you already left a digital footprint, dumbass?

*Cough cough* (coughs up a chunk of lung, no big deal)

LMAO like WTF, hahahahah

Dumbest clown you’ll ever hear, we promise you.

Check out those…hmm. I think they’re supposed to be Satanic tattoos.
There’s more, they’re bad, they’re funny. You have to watch a video from when he had his shirt open. Make fun of him on his Instagram or Twitter for these badly done tats. Who would put such utter crap on their body?

Those tattoos tho’
Look at the devil with horns and a pitchfork…oh crap, no, that’s his arm LMAO, it’s longer than the other one if both arms were straight. Check out the crispy old man and LOL

@stereoassassin666 on Instagram and

This video is HILARIOUS. He claims EtJOS privately messaged him and BEGGED him to stop leaving 1-star reviews! Not only that, he claims that uses were messaged too and told the police would be called for posting on Facebook! “They’re telling me I’m gonna be arrested, and they’re telling you you’re gonna be arrested… …can you imagine the cops coming to your house? …can you imagine that bullshit?! *cough hack* I’m telling my fans to leave a 1-star review!”

Fucking CLOWN! He had to take his own review section because he was slammed with 1-star reviews. He is such a small little man that he had to make a video and lie about the situation. This is a 52-year-old and he feels he needs to lie because he’s so insecure and mentally unstable.

I Gotta Go Somewhere to SPIT and Smoke Meth Lying about EtJOS LOL Claims Asked to Stop Harassment LOL from Kevin Caputo on Vimeo.


And after sending numerous threats via email to this blog, and faking emails along with using his own name, he sends an email begging us to take this all down because he claims it’s ruining his social life. FUCK YOU BUDDY. You started it, you harassed us, you sent users to harass us and the point of EtJOS is to expose a pro-Nazi hate group, not to “entertain” you and your 10 friends, so fuck off. You got what you asked for already. Own your bad behavior, big shot.


The Joy of Satan Forums Were Taken Down by A Member of ‘Exposing the Joy of Satan’

Regarding the Joy of Satan and their ProPhpBB Forum
JoyofSatan666 at

No, the Rabbi’s did not freak out.
No, Jews weren’t scared or having any reactions to the ridiculous “RTR” you inbred retards were performing.
No, the eclipse had nothing to do with it.
No, the RTR the JoS pathetically claims was so powerful had nothing to do with it. It was the opposite of powerful and more — it was useless, just like all your RTR’s are.

After Charlottesville, it became easier to have violating forums and websites deleted.
When news spread of The Daily Stormer getting deleted, one of us took action. It was simply an opportunity. No special powers and NO, sorry JoS, no one was scared of your silly ritual. This was just to take a piece of what you all hold so dear away from you. And there is more coming.

The forum hosting company, ProPhpBB, has clearly outlined Terms. JOS violated them. It was simply that. An article on Nazi sites being deleted due to recent Nazi events led to the submission of a Violation of Terms form to ProPhpBB.

No Jews, No Rabbi’s, No eclipse, No RTR’s (LMAO)

The Yahoo! Groups are already under investigation. We have three open cases on your precious groups. Yahoo is looking into each and every post we have brought to their attention. They have zero tolerance for hate speech, bullying and abuse. Since many users bully others, your groups will soon go down and not come back.

Anglefire has laid out the Terms for us and we are going to send them each and every violation of their Terms. They emailed us directly after a complaint was filed, at the same time as the complaint was sent to ProPhpBB.

Yes, The Joy of Satan Forums were taken down by A member of ‘Exposing the Joy of Satan’

More will come and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Enjoy the hurricane, Texan JoSers. You know what can happen when you piss off the real gods, and y’all worship false gods and a fake Satan. Satan doesn’t like that. Satan hates when you call him Satan Lucifer, too, so get wise or you know what they say…

Regarding the Joy of Satan and their Forum
JoyofSatan666 at

“Forums… (posted by Mad MaxiPad aka Andrea Herrington)

‘maxine.dietrich666’ [AdvancedSatanism] <>
To and 6 more…

Today at 9:34 PM

The forums have been taken away. Mercury is retrograde right now until 4 September. We will have a new forum.

For those of you who are new, this has happened before. The enemy has control of communications. Our Gods DO punish these assholes. A number even wind up dead.

The enemy is in dread over our latest RTR.”

Dead? Sounds like a threat, Maxine Herrington of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Who do you plan to kill? Feel free to post that to your Yahoo! groups  😈  😂

Oh you poor trailer trash thing…you think “the enemy” did this to your playground? Mmwahahaha! WRONG.

You don’t know your enemy.

#JoyOfSatan #JOS #NAZIS #Hitler #Himmler #josministries#JoyofSatan666
Try Hitler’s way of dealing with “the enemy…LOL 💊💊💊💊💊

Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN HP HoodedBernsteinHalfJew thinks he is going to get the forums back.  😂 He’s also lying to the members in the Yahoo! forums and telling them this was a win for all them. He’s trying so hard to fix the mess and it’s side-splitting funny.

The HP’s, the users, and even Mad Max are all freaking out, so they’re talking their “big talk” about how this “proved” their useless, meaningless “RTR’s” are “working.” Losing years of your Nazi forum is a “win?” LOL oh right kiddos. I can feel the pain and acidic tears of all those little Nazis sobbing. It’s a joyful thought. 😈

Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Our Gods DO punish these assholes. A number even wind up dead.”
Oh bless your poor trailer park heart, Andrea! You wish honey-bun!
You got taken down and it’s SWEET  😏 
…Shhh…you don’t know who did it. #JoyOfSatan #Nazi #Nazis #Hitler#AntiSemitism #FakeSatanists #SatanHatesJoS #JoS

Well now you know, bitches!


HP HoodedCobra the Hooded Fraud of a Jewish father, the very thing he hates the most — his real Daddy — FYI Hooded Cobra Bernstein, this was us also:

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Aww went bye-bye! So sad for you Nazis, I cry many tears…of joy and mockery for you!

Ronald Bernstein’s son “hoodedcobra666,” the half-Jewish son of a Rabbi…


HoodedPenileImplant is paranoid and delusional…Sorry Half-Jew Nazi but truth is, myself and some friends got your video banned and we reported it to the legal departments of every corporation you infringed upon. Breaks your little boy heart to get the truth, doesn’t it? You worked hundreds of hours on this! Watch us get you served. 😀

“This slander and outright paranoia of the Jews has also become “Law” in the literal hard sense of the word. To where now for instance my other Documentary (The Exit the Jewtrix) got nuked by “legal complaints” by actual and real persons and can therefore no longer be watched in Europe because it conflicts with “State Law”. This was NOT a copyright infringement.

There is no question as to (((Who))) did this thing obviously. The documentary was amassing a steady of 100 viewers from all over the world since the day it was published. Many of them from America and Europe, but also from many other countries. As many of you know, the jews have been gradually turning State law into Talmudic law and a second Torah. Where you cannot speak your mind for any reason, especially on these ‘touchy’ subjects where the jews as self proclaimed gods of the planet must SOLELY talk on their own.

This Documentary is also no different, as unfortunately, it is blocked in France, Italy and Germany. I will see for a way around this. Those of you who are from these countries can find a method online to watch this. There are methods.

I worked hundreds of hours on this, editing, rendering, watching documentaries, piecing out the information into a great whole. I did this for all of you and to show the Satanic Grandmaster Himmler the honor he is endowed, while also dealing with the enemy propaganda.”

The words of a teenager with a Jewish father, who had sex with a Jewish girl and loved it so much he left evidence. Let that sink in, JoSers.


Nikki Kulas Nikki Kulas I’m curious, how did you find out he’s half Jewish???
Chad Burgess Chad Burgess When I owned and controlled JoS, I ran a program which identified the identity of the IP Addresses and the MAC Addresses (much like WireShark, but with a few tweaks I made myself) of the source of the computer that “applied” to the JoS.. When Hooded applied to thee JoS, his information came back as Ronald Bernstein, which was too old for him personally, but Ron also had a son about his age who had recently pulled up flagged sites relevant to Adolf Hitler. I forget the son’s name now, as it’s been over a decade since, but the boy’s last name was Bernstein. “Bernstein”, according to ONLY the JoS is not a “typical Jew Name”…. I wonder why that is….
Nikki Kulas Nikki Kulas And how do they come up with these so-called “sermons”? Do they pull them out of their asses??
Nikki Kulas Nikki Kulas That’s what I thought! And they make them sound like it’s the “truth”, the JoStards believe it’s actually true. When I read them, they sound so fake…only a dumb fuck like the JoStards would believe them.
Chad Burgess Chad Burgess Yes. “Sermons” were not a thing when I was in control of the website. As a matter of fact, There were no Yahoo groups, or anything other than the website itself. People were encouraged to email to ask questions. Anyone who “applied” that mentioned Hitler was instantly denied.. Then Maxipad took over, and I conceded.
Austin Harnish Austin Harnish You ever thought of fighting to get it back?
Chad Burgess Chad Burgess No, Austin. There is too much negative energy connected to it now. The Joy of Satan Website and Yahoo forums are synonymous with ignorance, hate, and falsehoods.. It would require too much time and patience to “Clean House” as it were, much less to clear its name and return it back to what once was. Two things I do not have enough of to begin with. I’ve washed my hands of it and moved on.
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs

Hooded Half-Jew is on a rant again. He’s not just half Jewish, he had wild crazy sex with a Jewish chick and never complained about it so it must’ve been some pretty good sex. Maybe the only sex he’s ever had LMAO!
Regarding “Cobra Commander” Copyright Infringement:

The Holocaust’s Forgotten Victims: The 5 Million Non-Jewish People Killed By The Nazis

Source: The Holocaust’s Forgotten Victims: The 5 Million Non-Jewish People Killed By The Nazis

Six million Jewish people were murdered during the genocide in Europe in the years leading up to 1945, and the Jews are rightly remembered as the group that Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party most savagely persecuted during the Holocaust.

But the Nazis targeted many other groups: for their race, beliefs or what they did.

Historians estimate the total number of deaths to be 11 million, with the victims encompassing gay people, priests, gypsies, people with mental or physical disabilities, communists, trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Poles and other Slavic peoples, and resistance fighters.


paragraph 175


Pierre Seel was the only French survivor to speak out about being transported for being gay


Homosexual men, and to a lesser extent women, were compelled to renounce their sexuality under the Nazi regime. An estimated 100,000 were arrested and some sent to prisons, while between 5,000 and 15,000 were sent to concentration camps, where some were forced to wear pink triangles on their uniform to denote being gay. As many as 60% of those send to the camps perished, according to German LGBT scholar Rüdiger Lautmann.

Pierre Seel, from the Alsace region of France, was just 16 when he was arrested after a cruel twist of fate. His watch was stolen – in an area notorious for gay cruising – and he reported the theft to police. Without his knowledge, this led to his name being added to a list of known homosexuals.

“The Germans came to Alsace In 1940,” he said in the 2000 documentary, Paragraph 175 by Telling Pictures. “And the Germans found the police files. They saw our names on these lists, lists of homosexuals. They were probably watching us. How we live, where we go, what we do. And one day I had to go to the Gestapo with 12 friends.”

Police sodomized Pierre with a piece of wood and sent him a regular jail, before he was transported to the Schirmeck-Vorbruck camp near Strasborg – called a “protective custody camp”.

“I wasn’t even 18,” he says in the Paragraph 175 film. “Arrested, tortured, beaten, with no defense, without a trial. Nothing. I was all alone. I don’t even mention being sodomized, being raped.”

In another traumatizing experience, he was forced to watch his teenage lover Jo, who was also in the camp, being executed by being torn apart by Alsatian dogs.

“It happened in front of me and 300 prisoners. 300,” he said. “The death of Jo, my friend. He was condemned to die, eaten by dogs. German dogs. German shepherds. And that, I can never forget.”

Gay prisoners in the camp were abused and tormented by guards, and also by other prisoners. “There was a hierarchy, from strongest to weakest,” Pierre explained. “There was no doubt that the weakest in the camps were the homosexuals, all the way on the bottom.”

Pierre was heralded as being the only French person to speak out about being deported due to being gay, but the horror of those years memory still made him furious and tearful years later.

“Why did I not speak for 40 years? I am 90 per cent disabled from the war. My ass still bleeds, even today. The Nazis stuck 25 centimeters of wood up my ass. Do you think I can talk about that? That it is good for me? … I am ashamed for humanity. Ashamed.”

pierre seel


Pierre told his story in his book: ‘I, Pierre Seel, Deported Homosexual’


Pierre survived the camp: he was released without explanation in 1941 and forced to join the German army. He deserted from the army, and finally returned to his home city of Mulhouse, where he felt forced to “censor” his memories for fear of further persecution. He lied to even close family about the reason for his deportation, after his godfather disowned him after learning he was gay.

“I became aware that, in spite of my expectations, in spite of all I had imagined, of the long-awaited joy of returning, the true liberation was for other people,” he wrote in his memoir, ‘Moi, Pierre Seel, Déporté Homosexuel’ [I, Pierre Seel, Deported Homosexual].

Pierre married a woman and had three children. He never told his wife of 28 years that he was gay. After her death, he lived with his partner Eric Feliu for the last 12 years of his life, finally feeling able to live as himself. He died in 2005, aged 82.




Romani gypsies at a campsite in Slovenia in 1943 (silent film)


Romani gypsies were the second-largest group of people killed on racial grounds in the Holocaust. They were considered outsiders and “racially impure” by the Nazis and up to 1.5 million died in what is also known as the Porajmos (“mass killing” in Romani.) Like Jews, Roma people were murdered, sent to camps and gassed or used for forced labour. But only in the 1970s did the West German Federal Parliament classify their persecution as being racially motivated, and scholars largely ignored their deaths until the 1980s.

Ceija Stojka, a Romani gypsy living in Austria, was just nine when the Germans annexed the country and began arresting gypsies.

Her gypsy traveling family worked as horse-traders, but had already been forced to abandon their lifestyle when Germany annexed Austria. “Our wagon was parked for the winter… the Germans ordered us to stay put. My parents had to convert our wagon into a wooden house, and we had to learn how to cook with an oven instead of on an open fire,” she said in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum archives.

“[Later], gypsies were forced to register as members of another ‘race’. Our campground was fenced off and placed under police guard.”



Ceija Stojka was 10 years old when she was sent to the first of three concentration camps


Her father was sent to the Dachau concentration camp for being “work-shy”. His ashes were returned to her mother months later. Ceija, her mother and her siblings were loaded onto a train bound for Auschwitz, where a horrific experience awaited them.

“The dead were stacked up in the corners and against the doors,” she said in an interview for the film Forget Us Not.

“For endless days, we stood. No food, no water. All the babies and pregnant women were dying. The door opened and the wall of dead and pregnant women fell out. People were trying to catch the rain drops in their mouth and were shot by the SS for not falling into line.”

Ceija’s mother had sewed pieces of bread into her clothes to help them survive. She hid her children under her skirts to ensure they were sent to work barracks rather than the gas chambers. Ceija worked in a quarry, after her mother convinced guards she was 16 and strong enough, not ten.

Her skin was marked with the number Z6399. “They took my name from me and instead tattooed a number on my arm. I am not going to be ashamed of that,” she said years later.

ceija stojk


Ceija’s arm was marked with her ‘number’ for the rest of her life


Ceija’s younger brother died of Typhus at Auschwitz. Ceija, her mother and one sister were then sent to Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany, where sadistic female guards abused them. Ceija remembered one, called Binz, in particular:

“She had a large dog she would have attack and kill. No warning. One day we were hanging sheets frozen in the cold and an old woman tripped. Binz stomped her head as she lay on the ground until her brains came out.”

Binz planned to torture Ceija’s mother by submerging her in icy water, after discovering she had lied about Ceija’s age. Learning this, Ceija and her mother fled to a truck headed another German camp, Bergin Belsen – becoming separated from Ceija’s remaining siblings in the chaos.

“That is when the real misery began”, said Ceija of her first night at Bergin Belsen. The 11-year old slept in a pile of recently-killed corpses. “I asked their forgiveness and buried myself in the bodies to try and stay warm.”

She and her mother survived by eating “paper and pieces of leather”, until one day, while she was closing the eyes and of the dead out of respect, Ceija heard a loud bang. “The wall nearby me blew down,” she said. “There were tanks. A young man stood there in an unfamiliar uniform. He came to me and said: I am your liberator.”

The allied forces had arrived and she and her mother were freed. She was just 12. Ceija’s mother then pushed her 700 miles in a wheelbarrow to Austria’s third largest city, Linz, which was a meeting place for Roma people. Miraculously, her surviving four siblings found their way to the city, and the family was reunited.

Ceija was homeless for nine years, selling carpets because her family occupation of horse-trading was still banned. She later wrote and painted about her experience, becoming a well-known artist and an activist for awareness of Roma killed in the Holocaust.



Ceija’s painting of her mother holding her called “Mama Holding Ceija”


“I reached for the pen because I had to open myself, to scream,” she explained at an exhibition in Vienna’s Jewish Museum in 2004. Her paintings included harrowing images of the death camps, and a joyful painting showing her mother and surviving siblings in a celebratory dance, to mark the joy of the liberation. Ceija died in 2013, aged 79.




Twin Rita Prigmore and mother Theresia Seible describe Nazi research on twins


Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor at Auschwitz, was fascinated by identical twins and tortured them for horrific experiments, under the precept of furthering his research into genetics.

His procedures included unnecessary amputations, injecting chemicals into eyes to try to change eye color, and intentionally infecting one twin with disease then transfusing blood into the other to see if the second twin survived. A pathologist who worked with him has recalled Mengele personally killing 14 twins in one night, with chloroform injections to their hearts.

Eva Mozes Kor and her twin sister Miriam were born in Romania into a family of Jewish farmers. Her family was pushed into a cattle van bound for Auschwitz in 1944, when the twins were 10.

When they arrived at the camp’s train platform, her father and her older sister disappeared in the crowd. When German officers learned the girls were twins, they dragged Eva and Miriam away from their mother. They would never see the rest of their family again.

“We were both crying, and mother’s hands were spread in despair,” Eva said in an interview with Vice. “We never got to say goodbye. I had the best mother on the face of this Earth.”

‘My parents and my older sister died within 30 minutes after arrival at Auschwitz. I never saw them again. They just disappeared. There is no record of them,’ she told AFP.

The girls had their heads shaven and their arms tattooed. They became lab subjects six days a week. The pair were undressed, large amounts of their blood was taken, and their body parts were rigorously examined. “They would spend three hours on my ear lobe,” Eva told Vice. “They treated me like I was nothing, like I was a piece of meat.”

mozes twins


Eva and Miriam are the twins at the front on the right


After doctors injected Eva with bacteria through five large needles in her right arm, she became seriously ill. She remembers Mengele smiling over her, remarking that she only had two weeks left to live.

If one twin died in experiments, Eva knew that his habit was to murder the other so he could cross-examine their bodies. “I was thinking, if I die, then Miriam will be murdered as well,” she said of her determination to pull through.

Eva and Miriam were among just 200 sets of twins who survived Auschwitz, out of almost 1,500 pairs used for experiments. They can be seen at the front of a line of twins freed in an iconic photo from the liberation of the camp.

eva twins


Eva speaks about her experience and has revisited Auschwitz


They founded the group CANDLES (Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors), to unite twins who suffered Mengele’s brutality. Miriam died of cancer in 1993. Eva still speaks about her experience, and says she has forgiven the Nazis. “I realized that the ‘guinea pig’ had the power to forgive the god of Auschwitz,” she said. “No one could give me the power, or take it away from me. I refused to be a victim, and now I am free.”

Eva has returned to Auschwitz, and always dances on the platform where she saw her family for the last time. “That’s where they took away the joy of my life and my family,” she says. “This way, I reclaim it.”




Robert Wagemann describes fleeing from a “euthanasia” clinic where the Nazis killed physically and mentally disabled people


Those with mental and physical illnesses were regarded by the Nazis as “unworthy of life”, leading to a clandestine program of mass murder, under the cover of ‘mercy killings’.

Institutions were turned into mass killing centers, with SS officers wearing lab coats to keep up the appearance of a medical program. Families were told their relatives had died from illness and given faked death certificates, when in reality up to 300,000 people in German and Austria were systematically murdered, usually in gas chambers disguised as showers. Their organs were used for experiments.

The T4 ‘euthanasia’ program pre-dated what is usually referred to as the Holocaust by two years, but continued informally during it, and disabled people were later sent to concentration camps with other groups.

mozes twins


Helene was an aspiring law student and legal secretary


Helene Lebel, nicknamed Helly, was a young legal secretary and law student in Vienna. She was raised Catholic, born to a Catholic mother and a Jewish father who died fighting in World War I. Helene started showing signs of schizophrenia aged 19, and had a breakdown after losing her dog, Lydi. She was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was sent to the Steinhof Psychiatric Hospital in Vienna.

Germany annexed Austria two years later. Helene’s condition had improved at the hospital and her parents believed she was well enough to come home. But she was not allowed to return. Her parents were first told she would be released, and then that she had been transferred to another hospital.

In fact, Helene was transported to a former prison in Brandenburg, Germany. She was undressed, physically examined and then led into a “shower room” where she was murdered with deadly gas. Despite this, the aspiring law student was officially listed as dying in her room of “acute schizophrenic excitement.”

Helene was just one of 9,772 people gassed in 1940 at the Brandenburg “euthanasia” center, which was one of six in Germany and Austria.



Paul Eggert, who was categorized as “feeble-minded”, Helga Gross who attended a school for the deaf, and schizophrenic Dorothea Buck talk about being forcibly sterilized



Many members of the Christian clergy were either threatened with deportation and kept in custody, or sent to camps. The Catholic Church was particularly suppressed in Poland, where nearly a fifth of all priests – around 3,000 – were killed between 1939 and 1945, most in concentration camps.

maximilian kolbe


Polish priest Maximilian Kolbe in 1939, two years before he was sent to Auschwitz


Maximilian Kolbe was born 1894 and grew up in the Polish town of Pabianice. His father was German and his mother Polish. Maximilian’s life was shaped by a vision he believed he experienced of the Virgin Mary as a child. He became a Catholic Franciscan priest in his 20s, and founded monasteries in Poland, Japan and India, traveling the world to spread his beliefs.

When the German army invaded Poland, Maximilian organized a hospital at his Polish monastery. It hid up to 3,000 Polish refuges, many of them Jews, during a dangerous period, and continued to run a religious publishing house and radio station.

As news about the mass murders of the Holocaust spread, he wrote a message of hope in his newspaper at the time: “No one in the world can change Truth. What we can do and and should do is to seek truth and to serve it when we have found it.

“The real conflict is the inner conflict. Beyond armies of occupation and the hecatombs of extermination camps, there are two irreconcilable enemies in the depth of every soul: good and evil, sin and love. And what use are the victories on the battlefield if we are ourselves are defeated in our innermost personal selves?”

A month later, Maximilian’s monastery was shut down and he was arrested and transferred to Auschwitz. He was subjected to savage beatings in the camp, but continued to act as a priest, offering guidance and comfort to prisoners of all faiths.

Some priests in the camp were assigned to a cruel guard nicknamed ‘Bloody’ Krott, who forced them to cut and carry huge tree trunks. Krott is said to have developed a hatred of Maximilian and gave him heavier loads than the others. Priests who were imprisoned with him report that when they offered to help, he refused and said “Mary gives me strength. All will be well.”

He wrote to his mother form the camp: “Do not worry about me or my health, for the good Lord is everywhere and holds every one of us in his great love.”

One day in 1941, three prisoners vanished from Auschwitz. The enraged guards decided to starve 10 men to death in an underground cell to deter further escapees.

One of the chosen men, Franciszek Gajowniczek, cried out when he was selected, pleading that he had a wife and children, so Maximilian stepped forward and volunteered to take his place. In the cell with the doomed men, he continued to pray and minister.

maximilian kolbe


Kolbe, who was made a Christian saint in 1982, is pictured on a church window


Bruno Borgowiec, an assistant in the underground bunkers, is reported by Catholic writer Mary Craig to have said that: “In the cell of the poor wretches there were daily loud prayers, the rosary and singing, in which prisoners from neighboring cells also joined… I had the impression I was in a church. Friar Kolbe was leading and the prisoners responded in unison. They were often so deep in prayer that they did not even hear that inspecting SS men had descended to the Bunker.”

As the men died one by one, Maximilian was the last left alive, and remained kneeling or standing according to eye-witnesses. Two weeks passed, and the guards decided to execute him by lethal injection.

Borgowiec reported that Maximilian held up his arm for the injection, willingly. “Kolbe, with a prayer on his lips, himself gave his arm to the executioner. Unable to watch this, I left under the pretext of work to be done.”

Maximilian was later made a saint, and his statue is carved over the door of London’s Westminster Abbey. His canonization created some controversy; the pamphlets published by his monastery in Poland were said to have contained anti-Semitic articles, but reports of his benevolence towards Jews and fellow prisoners have remained unquestioned.

JoS dumb AF — Joy of Satan e-group members go out of their way to make Joy of Satan even more absurd and implausable


Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Note: “Their sword will become our plow” appears to paraphrase Micah 4:3 about beating swords into ploughshares, but his tears of war more resembles Joel 3:9-10 “Beat your plowshares into swords.”

I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Fate must bring retribution, unless men conciliate Fate while there is still time. How thankful I am today to the Providence which sent me to that school!

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

I was not in agreement with the sharp anti-Semitic tone, but from time to time I read arguments which gave me some food for thought.

At all events, these occasions slowly made me acquainted with the man and the movement, which in those days guided Vienna’s destinies: Dr. Karl Lueger and the Christian Social Party.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Thank the Lord, Germanic democracy means just this: that any old climber or moral slacker cannot rise by devious paths to govern his national comrades, but that, by the very greatness of the responsibility to be assumed, incompetents and weaklings are frightened of.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

the unprecedented rise of the Christian Social Party… was to assume the deepest significance for me as a classical object of study.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Thus, Protestantism will always stand up for the advancement of all Germans as such, as long as matters of inner purity or national deepening as well as German freedom are involved, since all these things have a firm foundation in its own being; but it combats with the greatest hostility any attempt to rescue the nation from the embrace of its most mortal enemy, since its attitude toward the Jews just happens to be more or less dogmatically established.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

As long as leadership from above was not lacking, the people fulfilled their duty and obligation overwhelmingly. Whether Protestant pastor or Catholic priest, both together and particularly at the first flare, there really existed in both camps but a single holy German Reich, for whose existence and future each man turned to his own heaven.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Verily a man cannot serve two masters. And I consider the foundation or destruction of a religion far greater than the foundation or destruction of a state, let alone a party.

-Adolf Hitler speaking like Jesus in Matthew 6:24 (Mein Kampf)

The anti-Semitism of the new movement [Christian Social movement] was based on religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

If Dr. Karl Lueger had lived in Germany, he would have been ranked among the great minds of our people.

-Adolf Hitler speaking about the leader of the Christian Social movement (Mein Kampf)

That is just Volume 1, Chapters 1-3… So Yeah, did you even READ Mein Kampf???? The ONLY Church Hitler became against was the Catholic Church, as he himself was Protestant.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 5:59pm

react-text: 1067 Remove /react-text

Pedro Cortes He knew to a further extend that Catholic were Jews hiding in Christianity smiley mask. Don’t dare quote Hitler and say dumb shit. Read the book correctly before you put up nonsense.

Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 10:25pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes It really bothers you that Chad Burgess knows so much more than you, doesn’t it? You’re a kid that doesn’t visit his grandma and has to be reminded to on Facebook. Remember you place in life. You’re a kid, PEDO. Adults have shown you proof of who and what Hitler really was and you’re all boo hoo hoo so you’re putting up a front. You’re the only nonsense here. The little puppet not from JoS from the island of Puerto Rico, where many people practice Judaism. FACT, too! I know my friends Mom has this little collection of plates and in aside from the spanish writing on them, there’s hebrew and along with that there’s paintings of Jerusalem. The woman is so proud, these plates hang on her wall in her little kitchen in San German.

You’re so frustrated after seeing all the posts that all you know how to do, being that you’re so immature, is to lash out at those who put the truth in your face, the blatant facts…and you aren’t able to go back to JoS and ask “WTF!” because you’d be ridiculed. But deep down, you know this shit is all real. Hitler supported the CHURCH. Deal with it, PEDO. And no, I’m not forgetting the “r” in your name.

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:18am

Chad Burgess Those are quotes DIRECTLY from the book, you idiot. How about YOU read the book, as I clearly have. “Catholics were Jews” LOL, then they would be CATHOLICS, not Jews, you moron. But then again, Deacon Adolf Hitler was not only born as a catholic, but he was also half Jew…

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 20 at 1:24am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN I don’t think he read the actual book. I think he read the version the JoS PDF’ed and gives to each other. It’s a really botched version. Or so I’m told. I once referenced parts years ago to a new JoSer and she told me the actual hardcopy book we had was a fake.

Like · Reply · 1  · June 20 at 1:27am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes YOU never read the book, moron!

Read what Chad posted to you. It’s real. It pisses you off huh? Well, too bad, because it’s what Hitler wrote, idiot.

Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Note: “Their sword will become our plow” appears to paraphrase Micah 4:3 about beating swords into ploughshares, but his tears of war more resembles Joel 3:9-10 “Beat your plowshares into swords.”

I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Fate must bring retribution, unless men conciliate Fate while there is still time. How thankful I am today to the Providence which sent me to that school!

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

I was not in agreement with the sharp anti-Semitic tone, but from time to time I read arguments which gave me some food for thought.

At all events, these occasions slowly made me acquainted with the man and the movement, which in those days guided Vienna’s destinies: Dr. Karl Lueger and the Christian Social Party.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Thank the Lord, Germanic democracy means just this: that any old climber or moral slacker cannot rise by devious paths to govern his national comrades, but that, by the very greatness of the responsibility to be assumed, incompetents and weaklings are frightened of.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

the unprecedented rise of the Christian Social Party… was to assume the deepest significance for me as a classical object of study.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Thus, Protestantism will always stand up for the advancement of all Germans as such, as long as matters of inner purity or national deepening as well as German freedom are involved, since all these things have a firm foundation in its own being; but it combats with the greatest hostility any attempt to rescue the nation from the embrace of its most mortal enemy, since its attitude toward the Jews just happens to be more or less dogmatically established.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

As long as leadership from above was not lacking, the people fulfilled their duty and obligation overwhelmingly. Whether Protestant pastor or Catholic priest, both together and particularly at the first flare, there really existed in both camps but a single holy German Reich, for whose existence and future each man turned to his own heaven.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Verily a man cannot serve two masters. And I consider the foundation or destruction of a religion far greater than the foundation or destruction of a state, let alone a party.

-Adolf Hitler speaking like Jesus in Matthew 6:24 (Mein Kampf)

The anti-Semitism of the new movement [Christian Social movement] was based on religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

If Dr. Karl Lueger had lived in Germany, he would have been ranked among the great minds of our people.

-Adolf Hitler speaking about the leader of the Christian Social movement (Mein Kampf)

That is just Volume 1, Chapters 1-3… So Yeah, did you even READ Mein Kampf???? The ONLY Church Hitler became against was the Catholic Church, as he himself was Protestant.

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:45am 

Chad Burgess  Much like the whole “Al Jilwah” that was fabricated and bastardized by MaxiPad dieTrick.. None of the JoS Idiots ever thought to question as to why the “Ultimate Black Book of Satan was only 5 chapters long… AKA 15-20 paragraphs long…. No one ever 

Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 1:38am · 

Chad Burgess  Funny too how the Al-Jilwah never once calls for the Death of Jews… Nor does it call for any “Sons of Adam” to also hate Jews…. Hell, it never actually states (JoS Version mind you) that Satan even hates Jews specifically.. “Three things are against me and I hate three things.” Guess what “three things” were never mentioned?

Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 1:36am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN “Three things are against me and I hate three things.”

NEVER mentioned? Jews, Christians and Vegans? LOL

Jews, BROWNZ and …I’m falling asleep, help me here.

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:47am

Chad Burgess  And might I add, from a Blacksmith’s point of view, a plowshare makes the best sword!!! Oooh.. Gotta try making the springy plowshares into a Damascus…. damn, that would be strong!

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:01pm

Chad Burgess  And because JoShers don’t understand German, Gott Mit Uns means “God With Us”.

And because JoShers don't understand German, Gott Mit Uns means "God With Us".

And because JoShers don’t understand German, Gott Mit Uns means “God With Us”.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:07pm

Chad Burgess  The SS’s belt buckle, part of their uniform…

The SS's belt buckle, part of their uniform... "GOD WITH US"

The SS’s belt buckle, part of their uniform…

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:09pm

Chad Burgess  Mother’s Cross (Mutterkreuz)

A Christian cross given to German mothers

Hitler encouraged several programs for the growth of a strong German Nazi Volk. These programs involved the encouragement of the virtues of German motherhood for the purpose of increasing the size of their families and the abolition of abortions (except for the mentally ill). In 1938, Hitler instituted a new award to honor German Nazi motherhood, especially for large families. He awarded such mothers the cross of Honor of the German Mother

Mother's Cross (Mutterkreuz) A Christian cross given to German mothers Hitler encouraged several programs for the growth of a strong German Nazi Volk. These programs involved the encouragement of the virtues of German motherhood for the purpose of increasing the size of their families and the abolition of abortions (except for the mentally ill). In 1938, Hitler instituted a new award to honor German Nazi motherhood, especially for large families. He awarded such mothers the cross of Honor of the German Mother

Mother’s Cross (Mutterkreuz)
A Christian cross given to German mothers
Hitler encouraged several programs for the growth of a strong German Nazi Volk. These programs involved the encouragement of the virtues of German motherhood for the purpose of increasing the size of their families and the abolition of abortions (except for the mentally ill). In 1938, Hitler instituted a new award to honor German Nazi motherhood, especially for large families. He awarded such mothers the cross of Honor of the German Mother

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:11pm

Pedro Cortes  Wikipedia?

Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 10:26pm

Chad Burgess  Baptismal front with carving of Hitler holding a stormtrooper hat.

Baptismal front with carving of Hitler holding a stormtrooper hat.

Baptismal front with carving of Hitler holding a stormtrooper hat.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:13pm

Pedro Cortes  Hypocrisy, and confusion that all there is to it.

Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 10:27pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Pedro Cortes: That’s the best you could come up with? LOL that’s bad. “Oh, sorry, Hitler was confused that day he posed for the statue, Sir.” “Huh?” “Yes, Sir. That’s all there is to it. Hitler was confused.”

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:20am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Pedro Cortes <– This kid couldn’t even find the words to respond to what you posted Chad.

Like · Reply ·  June 20 at 1:52am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Awww, I can’t tag the Christian boy.

Like · Reply ·  June 20 at 1:52am

Chad Burgess  Which Christian boy? There is a large number of them within the Joy of Satan Ministries…

Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 1:56am

Chad Burgess  Top text:

Organ of the German Deacons
One is your Master, Christ, but ye are all brethren
26th Year April 1939 Nr. 4

Hitler’s Portrait

Bottom text:
Heil to the Führer of all Germans!

Hitler was a Deacon of the Lutheran Protestant Church. This image and cross is still used today.

Top text: German Deacons' Gazette MAGAZINE FOR MALE DEACONS Organ of the German Deacons One is your Master, Christ, but ye are all brethren 26th Year April 1939 Nr. 4 Hitler's Portrait Bottom text: Heil to the Führer of all Germans! Hitler was a Deacon of the Lutheran Protestant Church. This image and cross is still used today.

Top text:
German Deacons’ Gazette
Organ of the German Deacons
One is your Master, Christ, but ye are all brethren
26th Year April 1939 Nr. 4
Hitler’s Portrait
Bottom text:
Heil to the Führer of all Germans!
Hitler was a Deacon of the Lutheran Protestant Church. This image and cross is still used today.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:17pm

Chad Burgess  Again; JUST LIKE CHRISTIANS, JoShers doesn’t even read their own “bible”… The similarities between Christians and JoShers… They might as well be worshiping the same gods.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:20pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  HOLY ROASTING of the Joy of Satan!

Like · Reply · 1 · June 19 at 6:48pm

react-text: 1693 Remove /react-text

react-text: 1699 Chad Burgess /react-text react-text: 1701 /react-text LOL, Leave it to the founding father of their pathetic order to roast the Jesus out of them.. LOL

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:49pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Seriously! 😀 I can only imagine their shaking little bodies and furious angry expressions while reading all this!

Like · Reply · June 19 at 7:41pm

Chad Burgess  They’ll just deny it, like every other Creationist Christian would.

Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 7:45pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Oh I know that! Still, they’ll be writhing while trying to type all that angry denial.

Like · Reply · June 19 at 7:48pm

Chad Burgess  Oh I’m sure… I’m also sure that “JOO” will be mentioned, a lot… But to call me a Jew is to call MaxiPad a Jew as well, We’re both of Native and European blood. Thank Lucifer we’re not related though..

Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 7:55pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  “Pedro Cortes: He knew to a further extend that Catholic were Jews hiding in Christianity smiley mask. Don’t dare quote Hitler and say dumb shit. Read the book correctly before you put up nonsense.”

THat’s THE BEST you got? You suck at defending JoS. When the JoS is exposed, you can’t even defend their sorry ass crap.

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:22am 

Chad Burgess  That’s because the JoS preaches lies, and doesn’t teach a damn thing. The “members” (aka the members of the forum, because they aren’t worth making part of the ministry) have to guess and create stories that somehow fit into the spectrum of “Hitler, Satanist, Jews Bad”, and just like a bunch of little xtians, they CREATE their own “religion” from pure racist paraphernalia..

Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 1:27am

Chad Burgess  I’ll give them an opportunity to read a real, unaltered copy of the book.. Translated into English and published in 1939 (not 1933 as dieTrick(ster) claims)

react-text: 728 /react-text

Mein Kampf – 1939 English Translation

This translation of the unexpurgated edition of “Mein Kampf” was first published on March 21st, 1939…


Unlike · Reply · Message · Remove Preview · 1 · June 20 at 1:47am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  I told one of them about the unaltered copy that is in a safety deposit box owned by my family. He demanded I get it out and “show him” as proof. It was that guy using the weird name that I then outed as Jordan Xavier Korisher.

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:50am

Chad Burgess  Korisher, that’s a jewish name if I’ve ever heard one.

Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 4:14am

Aj Smith  Wow I see you guys have had fun with Pedro. I found him on youtube and sent him here. Knew this would happen.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 23 at 11:41pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Who is PEDO on YouTube? I mean, HOW did you find this imbecile?

Like · Reply · 20 hrs 

Aj Smith  He’s got the same english lacking belligerent comments on almost every youtube video concerning them. He had the audacity to try pulling the racism card on me, not understanding that I was blatantly giving him a dose of his own medicine by making all these mexican jokes since he was speaking so freely about killing jews. He’s incapable of recognizing sarcasm and wit so I got bored with him after a while but knew you guys would have at him like wolves if I sent him here lol. I literally could not get him to recognize the hypocrisy of him saying jew this and kike that yet calling me a racist because I proceeded to make beaner jokes at him. It was mind numbingly maddening lol

Like · Reply · Message · 20 hrs

Chad Burgess  ALL JoShers are hypocrites.

Like · Reply · Message · 10 hrs

Exposing the JOY of SATAN

joy of satan will molest your neurons


Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 6 hrs

Aj Smith  I’ve had a lot of good talks with this guy.

Like · Reply · Message · 5 hrs

Aj Smith  In it’s comment section I’m SillyStraw Catheter.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · 5 hrs

Aj Smith /react-text

Joy of Satan = Nazi BULLSHIT!


Unlike · Reply · Message · Remove Preview · 1 · 5 hrs

Aj Smith  I first met the Molest your neurons guy on this video. Had a pretty good chat with him there to.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · 5 hrs



Nazi propaganda photo depicts friendship between an “Aryan” and a black woman. The caption states: “The result! A loss of racial pride.” Germany, prewar.

— US Holocaust Memorial Museum

The fate of black people from 1933 to 1945 in Nazi Germany and in German-occupied territories ranged from isolation to persecution, sterilization, medical experimentation, incarceration, brutality, and murder. However, there was no systematic program for their elimination as there was for Jews and other groups.

Cover of an anti-black and antisemitic Nazi propaganda brochure. Duesseldorf, Germany, 1938. — Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz

Cover of an anti-black and antisemitic Nazi propaganda brochure. Duesseldorf, Germany, 1938.
— Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz

After World War I, the Allies stripped Germany of its African colonies. The German military stationed in Africa (Schutztruppen), as well as missionaries, colonial bureaucrats, and settlers, returned to Germany and took with them their racist attitudes. Separation of whites and blacks was mandated by the Reichstag (German parliament), which enacted a law against mixed marriages in the African colonies.

Following World War I and the Treaty of Versailles (1919), the victorious Allies occupied the Rhineland in western Germany. The use of French colonial troops, some of whom were black, in these occupation forces exacerbated anti-black racism in Germany. Racist propaganda against black soldiers depicted them as rapists of German women and carriers of venereal and other diseases. The children of black soldiers and German women were called “Rhineland Bastards.” The Nazis, at the time a small political movement, viewed them as a threat to the purity of the Germanic race. In Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler charged that “the Jews had brought the Negroes into the Rhineland with the clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily-resulting bastardization.”

Nazi propaganda photo depicts friendship between an "Aryan" and a black woman. The caption states: "The result! A loss of racial pride." Germany, prewar.

Nazi propaganda photo depicts friendship between an “Aryan” and a black woman. The caption states: “The result! A loss of racial pride.” Germany, prewar.

African German mulatto children were marginalized in German society, isolated socially and economically, and not allowed to attend university. Racial discrimination prohibited them from seeking most jobs, including service in the military. With the Nazi rise to power they became a target of racial and population policy. By 1937, the Gestapo (German secret state police) had secretly rounded up and forcibly sterilized many of them. Some were subjected to medical experiments; others mysteriously “disappeared.”

The racist nature of Adolf Hitler’s regime was disguised briefly during the Olympic Games in Berlin in August 1936, when Hitler allowed 18 African American athletes to compete for the US team. However, permission to compete was granted by the International Olympic Committee and not by the host country.

Adult African Germans were also victims. Both before and after World War I, many Africans came to Germany as students, artisans, entertainers, former soldiers, or low-level colonial officials, such as tax collectors, who had worked for the imperial colonial government. Hilarius (Lari) Gilges, a dancer by profession, was murdered by the SS in 1933, probably because he was black. Gilges’ German wife later received restitution from a postwar German government for his murder by the Nazis.

Some African Americans, caught in German-occupied Europe during World War II, also became victims of the Nazi regime. Many, like female jazz artist Valaida Snow, were imprisoned in Axis internment camps for alien nationals. The artist Josef Nassy, living in Belgium, was arrested as an enemy alien and held for seven months in the Beverloo transit camp in German-occupied Belgium. He was later transferred to Germany, where he spent the rest of the war in the Laufen internment camp and its subcamp, Tittmoning, both in Upper Bavaria.

European and American blacks were also interned in the Nazi concentration camp system. Lionel Romney, a sailor in the US Merchant Marine, was imprisoned in the Mauthausen concentration camp. Jean Marcel Nicolas, a Haitian national, was incarcerated in the Buchenwald and Dora-Mittelbau concentration camps in Germany. Jean Voste, an African Belgian, was incarcerated in the Dachau concentration camp. Bayume Mohamed Hussein from Tanganyika (today Tanzania) died in the Sachsenhausen camp, near Berlin.

Black prisoners of war faced illegal incarceration and mistreatment at the hands of the Nazis, who did not uphold the regulations imposed by the Geneva Convention (international agreement on the conduct of war and the treatment of wounded and captured soldiers). Lieutenant Darwin Nichols, an African American pilot, was incarcerated in a Gestapo prison in Butzbach. Black soldiers of the American, French, and British armies were worked to death on construction projects or died as a result of mistreatment in concentration or prisoner-of-war camps. Others were never even incarcerated, but were instead immediately killed by the SS or Gestapo.

Some African American members of the US armed forces were liberators and witnesses to Nazi atrocities. The 761st Tank Battalion (an all-African American tank unit), attached to the 71st Infantry Division, US Third Army, under the command of General George Patton, participated in the liberation of Gunskirchen, a subcamp of the Mauthausen concentration camp, in May 1945.



Copyright © United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC


Why did it seem Hitler also hated black people?

You’re BLACK and you are supporting #‎JoyOfSatan? #‎Hitler would’ve had you experimented on, castrated and executed.

#‎Nazis didn’t like blacks. They USED blacks.

Blacks were rounded up and forcibly sterilized by Hitler, as well as subjected to medical experimentation and secret execution.

• Blacks were not numerous in Nazi Germany but the few who were mostly didn’t survive even long enough to be sent to the concentration camps (though there are a few photos of black survivors after the camps were liberated.)
• In Hitler’s own words: “the Jews had brought the Negroes into the Rhineland with the clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily-resulting bastardization” (Mein Kampf)
• They also sought to use armed forces integration and racial tensions in the US as a point of propaganda.


I would say a combination of “mild jealousy” because of German women that was exacerbated by his schizophrenia and narcissistic personality disorder. [1]

Here’s why:

There were from 20,000 to 24,000 Africans in Germany from 1933-1945. Many of these Africans married German women. [2]

Hitler said: “Systematically these black parasites of the nation defile our inexperienced young blond girls and thereby destroy something which can no longer be replaced in this world” (MKp.562). [3]

In Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler charged that “the Jews had brought the Negroes into the Rhineland with the clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily-resulting bastardization.” [4]

So Hitler blamed the Jews for the Negroes, but the truth is that Hitler obviously wasn’t a history buff b/c he didn’t seem to know that Germans (not Jews) imported the African to Germany roughly 200 years before his birth. [5] If the African was brought to German 200 years or so before he was born, how could Hitler decide that he was more German? If you really follow the Aryan label, it’s not White, it’s actual more Hindi (Asian people of color) (which explains the swastika [6]).

Prior to World War I, there were very few dark-skinned people of African descent in Germany. During World War I, black African soldiers were brought in by the French during the Allied occupation. Most of the Germans, who were very race conscious, despised the dark-skinned “invasion”. Some of these black soldiers married white German women that bore children referred to as “Rhineland Bastards” or the “Black Disgrace”. [7]


[1] A Psycho Historical Analysis of Adolf Hitler

[2] Hitler and the Negro

[3] Brother AACOOLDRE : – Hitler’s views on blacks

[4] Blacks during the Holocaust

[5] Afro-Germans

[6] Swastika

[7] Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust


Black People

Adolf Hitler

Race and Ethnicity

Why did it seem Hitler also hated black people?



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12 Answers

Anderson Moorer, Autodidact


Originally Answered: What did Hitler think of black people?

Blacks were rounded up and forcibly sterilized by Hitler, as well as subjected to medical experimentation and secret execution.

Blacks were not numerous in Nazi Germany but the few who were mostly didn’t survive even long enough to be sent to the concentration camps (though there are a few photos of black survivors after the camps were liberated.)

In Hitler’s own words: “the Jews had brought the Negroes into the Rhineland with the clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily-resulting bastardization” (Mein Kamf)

They also sought to use armed forces integration and racial tensions in the US as a point of propaganda.

Written Apr 16, 2014View Upvotes





Dick Raphael, Proud member of L2 sub-clade of macro-haplogroup L.

15.7k Views • Dick has 90+ answers in Race and Ethnicity

Originally Answered: Why did Hitler hate black people?

I would say a combination of “mild jealousy” because of German women that was exacerbated by his schizophrenia and narcissistic personality disorder. [1]

Here’s why:

  • There were from 20,000 to 24,000 Africans in Germany from 1933-1945. Many of these Africans married German women. [2]
  • Hitler said: “Systematically these black parasites of the nation defile our inexperienced young blond girls and thereby destroy something which can no longer be replaced in this world” (MKp.562). [3]
  • In Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler charged that “the Jews had brought the Negroes into the Rhineland with the clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily-resulting bastardization.” [4]

So Hitler blamed the Jews for the Negroes, but the truth is that Hitler obviously wasn’t a history buff b/c he didn’t seem to know that Germans (not Jews) imported the African to Germany roughly 200 years before his birth. [5] If the African was brought to German 200 years or so before he was born, how could Hitler decide that he was more German? If you really follow the Aryan label, it’s not White, it’s actual more Hindi (Asian people of color) (which explains the swastika [6]).

Prior to World War I, there were very few dark-skinned people of African descent in Germany. During World War I, black African soldiers were brought in by the French during the Allied occupation. Most of the Germans, who were very race conscious, despised the dark-skinned “invasion”. Some of these black soldiers married white German women that bore children referred to as “Rhineland Bastards” or the “Black Disgrace”. [7]


[1] A Psycho Historical Analysis of Adolf Hitler

[2] Hitler and the Negro

[3] Brother AACOOLDRE : – Hitler’s views on blacks

[4] Blacks during the Holocaust

[5] Afro-Germans

[6] Swastika

[7] Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust

Written Apr 17, 2014View Upvotes

Upvote 10



Johannes Musch, Archaeologist

4.1k Views • Johannes has 30+ answers in Adolf Hitler

Originally Answered: What did Hitler think of black people?

Basically Hitler thought that black people were inferior to white people. What he feared most was mixing of races, which according to him would lead to bastardization. In theory he had nothing against black people as long as they stayed in Africa. Of course such a racial vision of the world is undefendable and inapplicable. Nazi politics towards black people were incoherent. On the one hand black German people were sterilized, on the other hand some black people were accepted in the armed forces, and more particularly in the Free Arabian Legion. Persecution of black people in Nazi Germany

Written Nov 3, 2015View Upvotes





Courtney Murray, Child of a U.S. National Guard veteran and grandchild of a WWII veteran.


Originally Answered: What did Hitler think of black people?

Hitler thought that all people who weren’t blonde, blue-eyed, light-skinned and Germanic were inferior.  This included Jews, Gypsies, anyone from the Middle East, Asians and black people.

He was very bitter and unsportsmanlike when he had to award the gold medal to Jesse Owens during the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

There were few blacks living in Germany in the 1930’s and 1940’s, and of the few, many were rounded up and put in concentration camps and forcibly sterilized or subjected to medical experiments.

Written Nov 5, 2015View Upvotes







Originally Answered: Why did Hitler hate black people?

In a matter of fact Hitler hated every human being and even himself. He hated blacks, gypsies, seeks, german with mental problems, strangers and mostly Jews who he felt inferior related to them.

Its worthless trying to find out Hitlers motivation because you are dealing with a lunatic with psych personality and the real question is how he manged to lead so many of his “intellectuals” – so called – to commit the worst disaster that humankind have ever experinced.

Eli pitaro – Israel

Written Apr 16, 2014View Upvotes





Jennifer Lan Phuong Ho, Student @ UOttawa


Originally Answered: Why did Hitler hate black people?

He believed in a perfect Aryan race. He admired blue-eyed, white, blond haired people. He had a warped interpretation of Darwin’s Origin of Species and theory of natural selection and believed that the traditional German man (Aryan) was the fittest and the strongest, therefore EVERYTHING else – Jews, Blacks, Asians, etc would have to be eliminated.

Written Apr 17, 2014View Upvotes









(Original captured from

Apr 2, 2010 20:37:43 GMT (Google cache);

reformatted and edited by nocTifer for this presentation.)


What is the Real Situation?

Since 2002 the Oklahoma nonprofit organization known as the Joy of Satan Ministries (JOS) has obtained a reputation for being a group of wayward and misdirected teens dabbling in a Satanic masquerade. Members claim that they are Satanists while self-destructively associating with neo-nazi ideals. The many articles available from their websites,[1] give the appearance of being a comprehensive and legitimate guide for the budding Satanist. It has received praise for having rituals and meditations forming a system of magical aspiration. However, the reality is that the whole was a project of plagiarism perpetrated by the website’s deceitful and manipulative owner.

The owner of Joy of Satan Ministries (Andrea Herrington, aka and referred to throughout this essay as ‘High Priestess Maxine Dietrich’ or ‘Maxine’); known by the state of Oklahoma as Andrea M. Dietrich) compiled plagiarized articles into a self-defeating Satanic facade based on anti-religious sentiments, neo-nazi fascism, and fanatic racism. Maxine adds materials for her website directly from whatever sources come to hand. She then claims that they come from a superordinary source: “demons”. She perpetrates this lie in order to attract juvenile, dupable members to her organization via her websites who give her donation money to support her and to pay for her husband’s neo-nazi campaign.[*] By scamming people through her fraudulent nonprofit and peddling plagiarized writings on her Joy of Satan websites, Maxine promotes fascism while providing herself with an income.[**]

Over the years several authors and publishers have confronted her, but that has not seemed to stop her from stealing other writer’s works and selling them for a profit. This essay will expose the false foundation of the Joy of Satan sites and constitutes just compensation for the many authors who have had their work stolen.


Important Copyright Information:

Before we approach the subject of what copyrighted material is used on the Joy of Satan site, we should first look at what copyright standards really are, and what constitutes ‘fair use’ of copyright materials in writing. Since Copyright law is a complex subject, provided here is a brief definition from the US copyright office website.

Copyright is the ownership of a created expression, in the form of music, writing, video, art, web sites, or other mediums. Copyright ownership technically begins at the moment that the work is created. When a creation is copyrighted by the owner it is registered with the copyright office, which then grants the creator proof of ownership of the copyrighted work. This protects the copyright owner legally, and gives them the rights of ownership that can be defended in court.

There is a way to use copyrighted material for the purpose of education or review. This is called ‘Fair Use’ of copyrighted material and this is clearly defined on the US Copyright Office website. According to the law fair use is defined as:

“quotation of excerpts in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment; quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical work, for illustration or clarification of the author’s observations;…[3]

Also according to copyright law, the fair use of the copyright material is put into in question if it does not meet certain guidelines. The majority of the writings on the Joy of Satan site do not cite the proper reference materials, according to the ‘Fair Use’ guidelines. When a writer uses material gathered from unattributed sources without permission, then subsequently compiles it with the appearance of originality and then publishes it, and sells it for profit, then it is not fair use by any means. Since this is the case, the materials and the books for sale on the Joy of Satan site are plagiarized versions of copyrighted materials.


What is the Definition of Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is something that can destroy a writer’s reputation. This is because the plagiarist intentionally uses direct passages or quotes or deceptively uses ideas or writing styles that belong to authors without properly attributing the source materials to the copyright owners. This is a misleading and dishonest practice that is intended to make the plagiarist appear as the original source of the work.[4]


What is Acceptable Use?

If the material is being used for educational purposes, cited properly and not used for profit, then it would be within fair use of copyright law. Quotes or ideas that are attributed to the original author fall within the definition of fair use. Citing an author to compare or discuss ideas is appropriate. Lying, hiding source materials and claiming others ideas as your own, and selling these things for profit, is not ‘fair use’. Reprinting entire passages of books, and then adding in small lettering at the bottom of a page the title of a book, is not ‘fair use’.


This essay is intended as a criticism of intentional plagiarism of books and websites by Maxine Dietrich, the owner of the Joy of Satan Ministries website. Now, let’s explore the many sources and materials that Maxine used for her websites.


Stolen Materials From Franz Bardon

Maxine Dietrich has many pages on her site that use materials written by Franz Bardon. This author was a stage magician and the son of a Christian mystic. Franz Bardon taught a method of natural magic called Hermetics which had been influenced by Eliphas levi, an ex-catholic turned occultist and Francis Barrett, an English Kabbalist. Bardon also focused on Kabalah and eastern teachings of Tantra. The book, written by Bardon titled “Initiation into Hermetics” contains two sections, one for theory and one for practice. These sections include a step-by step guide to magic empowerment that was carefully copied and integrated into the Joy of Satan website by Maxine Dietrich.[5]


Maxine’s website includes pages about balancing energies, evoking the elements, breathing, visualization, rituals, consciousness, astral travel, clairaudience, and even ‘goodhood’, which is the same program and methods created by Bardon. Unfortunately, Maxine Dietrich used the information and ideas of Franz Bardon in her web pages without giving the author any credit.

Maxine Dietrich has to hide the fact that this knowledge is borrowed. To make the information from Bardon appear more “satanic” instead of Kabbalistic or Christian, she tells people that the instructions come from a demon, “Father Satan”. Here are a few examples of the plagiarism of Franz Bardon’s books found throughout the Joy of Satan site.


Creation of Advanced Thoughtforms

On the Joy of Satan web page called “Advanced_Thoughtforms.html”, Maxine gives instruction on how to create a thoughtform. On this page are two sections of text in quotes which are a copy of instructions that are from Franz Bardon’s Hermetics. There are only a few sentences of added writing in-between on this page. At the bottom of the page is a tiny reference that says “Initiation into Hermetics” which is more of an afterthought to the last several paragraphs on the page enclosed in quotes.The Joy of Satan’s webpage is not a review of the authors work nor is it a discussion of the contents of the book, it is plagiarism. This webpage on thought forms is deceiving because it is made to look as if Maxine is the original author of the writings.[6]


Uncovering the Truth About Franz Bardon, and the Joy of Satan

Maxine is unable to describe magic or the occult in her own words and from her own experience, so she uses materials from websites to fill in information on her site. The Joy of Satan page titled ‘Library.html’ begins with a large portion of text about “Frabato the Magician” that was taken from the website. This document, “Letter From Germany No. 1. By Frater U.’.D.’.”. from the site is pasted onto her website as an obvious attempt at explaining her proposed argument that ‘Satan’ gave her the information that she took from Bardon.


Maxine Dietrich claims that this information from Bardon was given to Bardon by Satan, but that it was altered by the ‘Jews’. The only thing that was altered was Bardon’s original writings by Maxine Dietrich in her attempt to make ‘satanic’ materials on her websites for her followers to read. Here is a quote from ‘High Priestess’ Maxine Dietrich about the source of her materials from the “Library.html” page:


“…[the texts] were written by a man known as ‘Franz Bardon’. I asked Father Satan some time ago how Bardon came to reveal the information he did. His reply was “ME.” ” -Maxine Dietrich


Untrue statements like in the quote above, reveal some questionable things about her intellect. This behaviour of lying about source materials is typical of a plagiarist, and even more so it is a method to keep authority as a cult leader. Most members of the Joy of Satan are inexperienced, having never studied writings in the occult before. Those of us who have read magic texts will know where this information comes from, but the members of the Joy of Satan have no idea that they are being deceived.[7]


Teaching How to Invoke the Quintessence

The majority of the page titled “Quintessence.html” is a copy from “Initiation Into Hermetics”. There is one entire paragraph on this page taken from Bardon enclosed within a quote, and the rest of the page is filled in with only a few brief sentences. Other material found on the “Quintessence.html” page is a paste from an article on Wikipedia. Maxine left a notice at the top of the page, which is the only original sentence on this page, and it says :”The following excerpt was taken in some parts from “Initiation Into Hermetics” by Franz Bardon.” This is an unacceptable use of copyrighted materials when the whole web page is just a copy of text from a book, which is altered in minor ways to make it look original.


Maxine claims to have inside knowledge on these subjects, but this example illustrates the point that she lacks originality and true awareness of the things that she presents on her website. Maxine’s assertion that this information comes from Satan is very contradictory, considering that it is a typical Christian belief that all occult texts and materials are satanic, or influenced by Satan.[8]


Citing One Source, Then Taking From Another

Maxine notes on her website that she used one source material for a page, when in reality she plagiarized from another source. On the page titled “Creating_Elementals.html” , Maxine Dietrich claims that the information from this page is from the 1956 edition of Franz Bardon “Initiation into Hermetics”. This is untrue, because some brief investigation on the net revealed a website, a psychokinesis manual that had the same word-for-word phrases and ideas that she used for this page.


The original source material page is called the “Psychokinesis Manual” from a website called PsiPog, a copyrighted work written long ago by a person named ‘Apollo’ [Chris King]. Maxine gives reference on the “Creating_Elementals.html” page for Franz Bardon, while she copied all of the materials from Chris King’s internet essay.[9]


The Real Necronomicon?

Because Maxine uses the text of other writers so that she can create pages in her website, it calls into question her credibility as an author and an occultist. In the page, “Necronomicon.html”, a large portions of text are copied from the ‘1586’ version of the Necronomicon. Maxine Dietrich claims that the 1586 version of the John Dee Necronomicon is the original work of Satan. Here is a quote from The Joy of Satan site about Maxine’s knowledge of the history of the Necronomicon:


“[the Necronomicon] was authored by Dr. John Dee, you know, the man who brought us the Enochian calls.” – Maxine Dietrich[10]


The ‘facts’ about this book that she wrote on her page are incorrect. The Necronomicon originated as a fictional story created by H.P. Lovecraft in the 20th century. This shows her inexperience and lack of knowledge about the origins of her own source material.


Paragraphs of text are pasted from this book with no indication of where this material is taken from, or where the quote begins or ends. On this page is a link to the 1586 copy of the book, in PDF version. This PDF is from the library, but the book is actually hosted at the Joy of Satan website. This violates the user agreement of which states that the materials from the site may not be hosted anywhere else but at the site.


The use of writing from authors for the purpose of review or discussion of those materials would have been considered fair use, but her method is to use other author’s works to build entire pages for her website.[11]


Materials that Were Sourced from the Web

The Wingmakers Forum

Maxine took entire portions of text from a forum called the Wingmakers to create her page, “Thoughtform.htm”. The Wingmakers Forum is not on the net anymore, but searches at the internet archives revealed several essays that were stolen from the author named ‘DrPiglove’ on the Wingmaker’s forum. The writings on this page were changed slightly from the original materials on the forum.


Another page that she plagiarized from is a post called ‘Sex Magick’ by DrPiglove on the Wingmakers website. She used this material to make the “Sex_Magic.htm” page. Also, information from the Wingmakers site was used for the Joy of Satan “Hypnosis.html” page. These pages were integrated into the Joy of Satan website and disguised as instruction, when in reality this material is plagiarized from an internet forum, and contains no original content.[12] Maxine keeps her readers interest by providing them with instructions of other authors works, while she claims to be the original author. It makes her look good, makes her money and she fools everyone into thinking that she has power and authority.


Maxine Deitrich’s Star Magick Lists

Maxine claims to have knowledge on astrology. On the Joy of Satan page, “Star_Magick.html” there is a list, which is cut-and-paste text from a website called This website has been on the net since 2002. She used this information from the BeMyAstrologer page for references on what she calls ‘star magic’. Then she told her website readers that the information and instruction came from Satan. Apparently she feels that it is alright to take materials from people’s websites without their permission or knowledge, and lie to her readers to hide the fact that she is a plagiarist.[13] None of the material on the Joy of Satan ‘Star_Magick” page is original, and there is no citations of the original authors.


The Self-Hypnosis Definitions

Maxine Dietrich also used definitions from writers in her website without giving credit to any of these sources. On the ‘Determining_Trance.html’ page, which is a manual for self-hypnosis, Maxine copied the definition for ‘catalepsy’ from a website. Also pasted onto this page about Trance is a quote from the ‘David-Husband Scales’, a manual for determining states of hypnosis. These sources that she has used are not cited anywhere on this web page. It’s a shame because there is no credit given to any of the original authors of this information.[14] That leaves her own credibility in question.


Joy of Satan Chakra Breathing Ideas

The ideas for the Joy of Satan Chakra breathing exercises were developed from a page on the net called Dragon Alchemy. This page “Breathing666.htm” is a basic re-write of these exercises from the Dragon Alchemy site. The Dragon Alchemy site has been on the net since 2003, and they appear to be the original author of these ideas that Maxine copied and used for her website page on chakra breathing.[15] In fact, the original material from the Dragon Alchemy website was not intended for satanism, but she took the liberty to add her satanic information to the page to make it look ‘Satanic’, and therefore useful to the visitors of her site. She has used this same formula with all of the authors that she has stolen from.


Brain Wave Information:

The Joy of Satan “Brainwaves.html” meditation page was created from a Christian prayer site called “Brain Waves and DNA, by W.E.B.” This site has been on the net since 2003. Maxine Dietrich took the information from this Christian site and changed it slightly to try and create a satanic meditation for her website. Of course, Maxine gives no indication on where she got this information on “Brainwaves” from.[16] Her website readers certainly wouldn’t want to discover that she is getting her information from a christian website.

Other Authors Frequently Plagiarized

Anton LaVey and the Satanic Bible, Plagiarized

Searches of older, archived versions of the Joy of Satan site reveal that Maxine used the writings of Anton LaVey’s “The Satanic Bible” and “The Satanic Rituals”. Many of those pages have either been removed or changed over the years, most likely in response to blatant criticism of theft and plagiarism.


Maxine used the materials from “The Satanic Bible”, while she called Anton LaVey a ‘Jew who defaced the Enochian Keys’. There are nineteen Enochian keys in the Satanic Bible which Maxine claims are ‘bastardized’ versions of demonic works. Each key of the Satanic Bible is copied into her website and changed slightly, with absolutely no credit to the author or the source on all nineteen pages. To fill in information about the Enochian language page, Maxine scraped content from a Enochian Dictionary website on the net.[17]


The Joy of Satan page, titled “Rituals_html” is an obvious plagiarism of the Ritual in the Satanic Bible. It is called the Standard Satanic ritual, and the methods and invocation are nearly identical to the invocation to Satan in the Satanic Bible. Of course she tells her readers not to read the Satanic bible, while she takes rituals from them to create pages on her site. She obviously has no experience in Satanic ritual if she can not describe what a ritual is, in her own words.


Maxine Dietrich also copied line for line into the pages of her website a major portion of the Satanic Rituals, called the Al-Jilwah. This part of the Satanic Bible is not in the public domain. The Al-Jilwah is a document which the members of the Joy of Satan believe was authored by what they call, “Satan”.[18] She also reacted to LaVey in a malicious way on her website, while at the same time she used rituals and writings from his books. She also has treated other authors in the same manner, once it is revealed that she has stolen from their writings. Then she ‘corrects’ the writings, adding to it, and tells her readers that the information was given to her by Satan.


Richard Cavendish, The Black Arts

On several pages of her site Maxine Dietrich uses material from the Richard Cavendish book, “The Black Arts”. On the Joy of Satan page, “Herbs.html”, which is a page on the use of herbs in magic, there is a list of herbs created from stolen content found on the internet. There is an article on that page for ‘mandrake root’ on the Joy of Satan page, a direct copy of the same definition given in “the black arts”. Unfortunately for her, there are no sources cited on this page. It is most likely that the information on this page about herbs is a gathered list from many other sources. She wants people to think that she is knowledgeable in occultism, but she is only deceiving her readers. Writing is deceptive when it is not cited, and when it is compiled into a list made to look like an original work.[19]

Extensive Plagiarism of Stephen Arroyo

Found in the Satanic Power Meditations Page “Evoking_Elements.html” are materials from the book “Psychology and the Four Elements” by Stephen Arroyo. There are five pages on the Joy of Satan site which focus on Elemental Invocation, and Maxine uses many passages from this book on each of these page. The true sources on these Joy of Satan pages are never cited.[20] Stephen Arroyo is a professional writer for Llewellyn.


The Complete Book of Spells, Copied

An archived version of “demonolatry.html”, found on the Joy of Satan website, is a page with an invocation and blessing to Satan. The origin of this material is a copied verse sourced from this book, “The Complete Book of Spells, Ceremonies and Magic” By Migene Gonzolez-Wippler. This page is no longer available on the site, as the owners of the material most likely discovered the plagiarism and had requested to have the materials removed from the Joy of Satan website.[21]


The Satanic Emerald Tablets of Thoth

The Joy of Satan site has a ‘satanic’ version of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, found on the “Tablet_One.html” page. On this page, Maxine adapts the work by changing verses to try and tries to assert in her writings that the ‘demon’ Thoth is giving her this knowledge. The original book of Thoth can be found at the Scribd website. Unfortunately the use of this material from the Scribd site, externally hosted on another site without permission, violates their copyright and user terms.[22]


Stolen Writing from Donald Tyson

Maxine’s knowledge on demons was created by other authors. On the Joy of Satan page, titled ‘Daemons.html’, the definitions of the word ‘Demon’ are plagiarized from the occultist Donald Tyson, an author published by Llewellyn.[20] Several phrases from Tyson, pasted into her site are never cited, nor is any reference whatsoever given at the end of the article. Further down the page, there is another phrase lifted from the Virginia Tech history department web page on ‘Demons’. Maxine has to grab materials from websites to make others think that she knows what demons are.[23] Unfortunately many have went to her website for advice on demons, but the materials that she presents are not her own.


Plagiarism of Astrology Authors, Judy Collins and Linda Goodman

Maxine Dietrich obviously wants everyone to think that she is smart. But, she is not smart enough. Time after time, phrases searched from her website can be found in other searches on the net, mostly from books, revealing the sources that she copied word for word onto her webpages. One of these sources is her Astrology page, “How to Read a Natal Chart”. This entire page is a copy from Judy Collins, ASA Education Director and her essay ‘Delineating a Chart ‘, approximately dating from 2005.[24] Maxine needed a professional astrologer’s writings to help sell her very expensive computer-generated astrology readings.


Another page at the Joy of Satan that is a work of plagiarism, is the “Star_Magick.html” page, copied from professional astrologer Linda Goodman. She copied the list of star signs and their meanings in exact phrases from Linda Goodman’s personal website forum. The Forum is no longer on the internet but the information at Linda’s site had been available since 2002. There is no indication of the source of Maxine’s references from Linda Goodman, at the “Star_magick.html” page. copying the work of another author, and then claiming it as her own is identical to theft, especially since she sells this information in books at her website.[25]


Plagiarism of Frater UD, High Magic in Theory and Practice

Another page that Maxine created through plagiarism, is the “Magic_Mirror.Html” page. This page tells how to make and use a magic mirror. While some of this information can be found in general occult references, Maxine took almost direct word for word phrases from the Frater UD book. High Magic in Theory and Practice to create her page. She then added minimal instruction on how to use the the mirror for Demons. She gives no references to where she got this information from, so her website members are left to assume that ‘Satan’ taught her these things. What really happened is that she copied it all from the Frater UD book. High Magic in Theory and Practice, published by Llewellyn.[26] What is interesting is that through the internet archive search, the ‘Magic Mirror’ page did not appear until 2007, while she has a copyright notice on this page dating from 2002! She lies about when her pages on the internet were created.


Plagiarism of DJ Conway

The plagiarist Joy of Satan page, “aura_colors.html” was taken almost word for word, in the same sequence from the book by DJ Conway, “A little book of Candle Magic” Each description of color was slightly changed with her ‘satanic’ information added. the entire section of this book describing candle colors was copied into her website, one after the other. The Little Book of Candle Magic is published by Crossing Press 2004.[27]

The Joy of Satan web page, titled “Incense for Ritual” was plagiarized liberally from DJ Conways’ book, Magick of the Gods and Goddesses, published by Llewellyn in 1997. Each listing of planetary incense on this page is almost identical to DJ Conway’s book. While some of this information in Conway’s book is common to the occult, Maxine copied his lists almost word for word and gave no references on her page as to where the information had come from.[28]


Archived References, Now Removed

The brotherhood of the snake is a web page at the Joy of Satan site. This page was inspired by several different authors. After a few years, the page was re-written, but the source notes were removed. These sources were, The Gods of Eden by William Bramley, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, and a 2001 illustration of the Book of the Dead. It is interesting to study the page that was created in 2005, that contained references, and compare it to the new page that now has no references and was carefully re-worded. essentially it is a work of plagiarism, similar to the other pages that have been described in this essay. The archived page shows the original authors that were copied, word for word. In the notes below this essay, is a link to the archived page as it has appeared in 2002.[29]


Theft of Ideas from Aaron Donahue

Maxine Dietrich of the Joy of Satan Ministries uses other authors’ ideas and then ridicules the original authors by saying that the knowledge came from ‘Satan’. It is said by some former members of the Joy of Satan that the ritual for “Freeing the Demons” on the JOS site is an imitation of the ideas and works of Aaron Donahue. On her forum she denies these accusations that her ideas come from Donahue, while claiming to have invented the idea herself. Here is a quote from the Joy of Satan Yahoo Group:


“[Donahue] also a liar. He claimed to have freed the Goetic Demons, which he did not. He claimed to have freed Andras from the confines of a nine-foot circle “because he was so dangerous.” – Maxine Dietrich[30]


Maxine has failed to prove in any way whatsoever that she was the originator of this concept, considering that Aaron Donahue and others have written about the concept before Maxine Dietrich had. In fact, the only thing that she has succeeded in proving with her statements is that she knows how to defend herself in clever ways when she is confronted with her lying and deceitful behaviour.


Zechariah Sitchin, Others

Maxine also took some of her cosmology and eclectic beliefs from authors like the Jewish Scholar, Zechariah Sitchin. While Sitichin was a Jewish scholar she conveniently avoids this fact and claims that his writings show the truth of her brand of Satanism. She is very contradictory in preaching against Judaism, and then using the words of a Jewish scholar to promote her ideas. Also, Maxine makes available an illegal version of the Lost Book of Enki, scanned and transferred into a PDF. This copyrighted work is not in the public domain, and as a PDF file it is an illegal distribution of Sitchin’s writings. Essentially, it defrauds the writer and publisher from sales money when people like Maxine scan, distribute and make these copyrighted writings available for free.


Maxine also makes available PDF copies of other authors works. For example, at their Yahoo group, an illegal pdf scan of Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson is available. Also available is the an illegal sacan of Willam Bramley The Gods of Eden, The Necronomicon Spellbook Edited by Simon, illegal pdf scan of The 12th Planet by Zechariah Sitchin, Journeys out of the Body by Robert Monroe, and others whom she feels entitled to make free to the public despite the laws that prohibit the copying and distribution of copyrighted work without the permission of the authors.


Maxine also promotes ideas of neo-nazi beliefs from using material from books such as “the White Man’s Bible” by Ben Klassen. Maxine portrays herself as a prophet of Satan’s knowledge, claiming that all of her information comes from demons, like “Thoth; “Satan” and “Azazel”, when the real source of this information are various authors and internet sources. If Maxine really had experience in the occult, or with Satanism, she would not have to steal writings and ideas from other writers.[31]


Fact: Maxine is a Known Plagiarist

Maxine’s underhanded behaviours have not gone unnoticed. Beginning in 2002, Maxine copied from writers, and had been caught several times by book publishers who made her remove the materials from her website. She had several incidents with authors and book publishers who made her remove information from the Joy of Satan site. Maxine had compiled information from the author Valerie V. Hunt, and her book, “Mind Mastery Meditations” in order to fill in a page on her website called “Scalar Wave Meditations”. When Malibu Publishing discovered this, the meditations and materials plagiarized from that book were immediately removed. Despite this, the copied ‘Scalar Wave Meditation’ is still published by the Joy of Satan in their “Spiritual Warfare hand book”.

Maxine “borrowed” the majority of her information about chakras, auras and kundalini from the largest occult and pagan book publishers, Llewellyn. This material came from a book written by Douglas DeLong, titled “Ancient Teachings for Beginners”. The publishers were notified and Maxine heavily revised the material on her site, but still uses the same concepts and systems without giving any credit to Llewellyn or DeLong. The author threatened to sue Maxine, and she subsequently agreed to remove the information from the site. Instead, she let time pass, the pages at the Joy of Satan were reworded, and the ideas of DeLong were not removed. When confronted about the change in information on her site by her own group members, she deceitfully told them that the corrected information came to her from Satan![32]


Authors Delong and Valerie Hunt have made Maxine Dietrich a lot of money over the years. Maxine reads a passage in a book and then interprets it into her website, in a deceptive way, to make her web pages seem instructional and original, when they are nothing but re-written ideas of other authors, carefully reworded without references. Many of her readers are attempting to do the exercises on her page. They would be better off reading the original books, rather than taking it from a secondary source like Maxine.


The kundalini section of her website was written into books and are being sold at the website for a profit, violating the copyright of Llewellyn, Malibu Publishing, Valerie Hunt, and Douglas DeLong. Both Hunt’s and Delong’s writings can be purchased at the Joy of Satan Site, carefully re-written in Maxine’s words, and hidden from internet searches inside PDF’s and books that she sells, despite the fact that she has been previously warned by both the authors, and the publishers, to stop plagiarizing these writings.


Copyrights and Ownership: The Joy of Satan Site

The majority of the web pages on the Joy of Satan site have a copyright notice with a library of congress number. Maxine obviously does not want people to copy the writings on the Joy of Satan website. This notice is pasted on almost every page on the site:

“- Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, Joy of Satan Ministries; Library of Congress Number: 12-16457 ” – Joy of Satan site

Research at the Library of Congress shows that there is no reference found for the number’12-16457′, which is the same number that Maxine pasted on many pages of her site. The JOS website materials are not on record with the library of congress since 2002, or a record of this could easily be found through the search page at the LOC. Obviously, Maxine does not know much about the copyright law or the proper use of copyright notices. The extensive plagiarism on the Joy of Satan website proves that even if Maxine did want to apply for a real copyright, she would be denied, if not pursued legally, immediately, for numerous violations.[33]

In Fact, Archived Versions of this website that go back to 2002, show how the majority of her writings were taken from the Linda Goodman forum, as she had several pages of astrology information before the ‘Joy of Satan’ formed in 2005. This means that any copyrights that she tries to claim on her writings from 2002 are certainly false, and the ‘Joy of Satan’ web page, and writings, never existed prior to 2005. View the entire Archive


Donation Money, Funding of the NSFM

Andrea [Maxine] owns a web site, called “The Black Sun” [31] where she writes web pages on Antisemitism and hate, and lectures on anti-Christianity. The racist and racial ideals of the Joy of Satan were created after Maxine met a man named Clifford Herrington. Herrington is the former leader of the “National Socialist Movement” [NSM], an organization for Neo-Nazi activists. The majority of the members of the NSM are Christian, and Herrington got thrown out of the organization in July of 2006, when they discovered that he shared the same post office box as the Joy of Satan. Clifford Herrington created a new group, the “National Socialist Freedom Movement” [NSFM].[34]

The NSFM is a legal tax-paying organization. Both Maxine and her husband promote their twisted ideals to teenagers and others who are unwitting enough to send them money via donations on the web sites, and from book and cd sales. The compromised religious organization she runs shares its address with a neo-nazi organization, while both organizations are being used as a front to secure donation money.[35]

There is evidence from ex-Joy of Satan members that she uses the money from donations to pay her bills and to fund her own personal needs. Maxine also went on a luxurious vacation with the money that she raised from her websites. Here is a quote from the Joy of Satan Yahoo group where Maxine tells the members how she claimed to spend her vacation in Vegas, and trips to several different national cities while she stayed in 5-star hotels.[36]

“The past week and a half, Father Satan rewarded me with a most pleasant vacation to several different cities and national parks. I was indulged to an extreme. Part of my family invited me and we had an awesome time… I was able to get to only two internet cafes where I could get online, the last one in Las Vegas and it was crowded…”- Maxine Dietrich[37]

In 2005, some of the ex-members of the Joy of Satan left the group because they felt that Maxine was misappropriating funds by paying her bills and vacationing with the donation money. Her plagiarist writings paid for her housing, her bills and her vacations.


This web page establishes the fact that Maxine Dietrich cannot claim copyright on the majority of the writings on her websites, because they are plagiarized writings.This page was created for educational purposes, to expose the source materials of this pseudo-satanic neo-nazi organization.

Overall, the Joy of Satan site seems promising to so many new seekers of occult and Satanism. it appeals to this audience because the ideas in the website were taken from professional authors. Maxine misleads people by making them think that she is knowledgeable about the occult, so that she can collect money for her neo-nazi organization. Not even one bit of effort was given to reveal the sources of her material. Its more convenient for her to hide this, so that the members of her group trust in her self-proclaimed authority. This accounts for the popularity of her website. People like the sources and techniques that she writes about, but they do not realize that the majority of it is cut and pasted from other authors. If the Joy of Satan techniques are so good, as some have claimed it to be, then maybe her readers would be better off reading the original source materials, instead.

Also, accounting for the popularity of the Joy of Satan, is the fact that the website appeals to a certain demographic. The young, disaffected and uninformed. These types have no idea that they are being fed lies and mis-information and they take what the website owner writes on faith, instead of using their own minds to decide what is right for them. Why should they bother to research any of the sources used at this site when the site owner proclaims with authority that the original authors of these ideas and writings are ‘liars’, while she takes their words and uses them as her own? She uses a typical method of religious revisionism as she attempts to use all of these sources to create her version of history, despite the many historical facts that prove otherwise.




  1. The main website of entry is “Joy of Satan” (Andrea Herrington. Web: March, 2005), (accessed 10/1/08). Yet as will become obvious through the course of this article and its references and notes, the organization disperses its online presence to numerous web constructs, including Yahoo groups and web boards. For more information supporting the contention that this is a massive work of plagiarism, continue reading the present article.
  2. “Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code”, Circular 92, Chapter 1, Section 107. U.S. Copyright Office. Web. (accessed 10/1/08).
  3. [for a brief explanation visit Wiki article on Plagiarism, accessed 10.1.08]

  1. [Information on the history of Franz Bardon, accessed 10.1.08]

  1. [This Joy of Satan page is copied from Bardon, accessed 10.1.08]

  1. [The Franz Bardon Page on the Joy of Satan Site, accessed 10.1.08]

[This is the source of the original text: accessed 10.1.08]

Currently, “Initiation into Hermetics” is published by Merkur Publishing, Inc. 1999.

  1. [“Invoking the Quintessence” Joy of Satan page, a Copy from Bardon. accessed 10.7.08]

  1. [Joy of Satan Elementals page, accessed 10.1.08]

[The original essay, Copyright, Chris King, accessed 10.1.08]

10.[The Joy of Satan Necronomicon Page, accessed 10.1.08]

[The Real History of the Necronomicon, accessed 10.7.08]

  1. [User agreement at, accessed 10.1.08]

  1. [The Joy of Satan Page, copied from Forum posts of Dr. Piglove, accessed 10.1.08]

[See the original version at the Internet Archives site]

  1. [Joy of Satan page on ‘Fixed Star Positions”, accessed 10.1.08]

[The original, copied source available since 2002`]

14 [The Joy of Satan Determining Trance Page, accessed 10.1.08]

[Uncited definitions, – Davis-Husband scales, accessed 10.1.08];wap2

  1. [The Joy of Satan Chakra Breathing page, accessed 10.7.08]

[Inspired by The Dragon Alchemy site, accessed 10.7.08]

16.[The Joy of Satan page, ‘Brainwaves and Magic’, accessed 10.7.08]

[The ‘Brainwaves’ information was taken from this Christian Prayer site,


BRAIN WAVES & DNA by W.E.B. accessed 10.7.08]

17.[Joy of Satan Enochian Page, accessed 10.1.08]

[This is the original source for the JOS Enochian Dictionary, accessed 10.1.08]

[“The Satanic Bible” by Anton Szandor LaVey, Avon (December 1, 1976)].

18.[The Joy of Satan ‘Al-Jilwah’, accessed 10.1.08]

[The Satanic Rituals: Companion to The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey, Avon (December 1, 1976)]

  1. [Joy of Satan List of Herbs, accessed 10.1.08]


[Original un-cited references on this page from Richard Cavendish, The Black Arts,

Time Warner International; New edition edition (30 April 1996)]

  1. [Joy of Satan Elemental Energies, accessed 10.7.08]


[Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements: An Energy Approach to

Astrology & Its Use in the Counseling Arts, by Stephen Arroyo published by CRCS publications, 1975]

21.[Joy of Satan page on Demonolatry, plagiarized invocations, accessed 10.7.08]

[archived version, accessed 10.7.08]

[‘Complete Book of Spells, Ceremonies and Magic’ By Migene Gonzolez-Wippler, published by Llewellyn Worldwide, 1988]

  1. [The Joy of Satan ‘Emerald Tablets of Thoth’, accessed 10.1.08]

[Original Version, accessed 10.1.08]


23.[Joy of Satan page on ‘Demons’ accessed 10.1.08]

[Original source material, definition of “demon” Donald Tyson “Ritual Magic: What It Is & How To Do It”,

page. 244, Llewellyn Publications; 1st edition (January 1, 1992)]

  1. [how to read a natal chart]

[Judy Colins, Delineating An Astrology Chart accessed 04.7.09]

  1. [Drawing Down Energy from Luminaries]

[Linda Goodman, Website Forum, accessed 7.3.09]

  1. [Using and Empowering a Black Mirror]

[Frater U D. High Magic in Theory and Practice, Llewellyn, 2005]

  1. [Aura Colors]

[DJ Conway, A little book of Candle Magic, Crossing Press, 2004]

  1. [Incense for Ritual]

[DJ Conway, Magick of the Gods and Goddesses, Llewellyn, 1997]

  1. []

The Gods of Eden by William Bramley 1990 pages 53-54

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek Volume 2, pages 262-268

The Illustrated Egyptian Book of the Dead : a new translation with commentary by Ramses Seleem, 2001>

[ web archive version: accessed 05.3.09 ]

  1. [ From: “High Priestess Maxine Dietrich” Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007

Subject: [Joy_of_Satan Re:’Belial on Earth in Human form’ message:100051, accessed 10.8.08]

31.[These allegations are documented by the former members of the Joy of Satan,

at the ‘SIJOS’ forum, accessed 10.1.08]

  1. ibid. see above; Also, the “Spritual Warfare Handbook” contains the plagairzed material from Douglas DeLong, and Valerie Hunt – and this publication is still available from the Joy of Satan site in PDF form. [ ] and [ ]
  2. [Joy of Satan Copyright number, not found in the LOC search, accessed 10.7.08] Library of Congress Online Catalog Search

[ Library of Congress Number: 12-16457]

34.[The Black Sun, Joy of Satan Site, accessed 10.1.08]

  1. [The history of the NSM, accessed 10.1.08]


36.[Information about this can be found at the SIJOS forum, accessed 10.1.08]

  1. Quote from the Joy_of_Satan Yahoo Group Message 76175 Mon Mar 20, 2006 Maxine Dietrich

[Some of the members of the yahoo group left when it was found out that money was being used for

Maxine’s own personal needs. “I am aware that the former clergy..leaving because HP

[Maxine was] using donations for paying her electricity and water bills..

[Joy_of_Satan Yahoo Group, ‘Angel’ Sun May 22, 2005″, message 54661]

Editor’s Notes

* – Andrea’s husband, Clifford Herrington, was at one point in time the head of the National Socialist Movement, a neo-nazi and white supremacist organization whose primarily Christian membership didn’t appreciate discovering that their former leader’s wife was running a Satanic facade in his home and using the same post office box for correspondence, ejecting both of them from the organization. See documentatin below.

“The National Socialist Movement inherited its Third Reich fetish directly from the American Nazi Party, which was founded by George Lincoln Rockwell in 1959. After Rockwell was murdered in 1967, two of his chief lieutenants, Robert Brannen and Cliff Herrington, formed the National Socialist American Workers Freedom Movement in St. Paul, Minn. Herrington assumed sole leadership of the group in 1983 after Brannen’s health failed. Over the next decade, the group achieved little, managing only to open a handful of chapters outside Minnesota.

“Then, in 1993, Herrington and one other member of his tiny group attended a Minnesota state legislative committee meeting in full Nazi dress to protest a proposed gay-rights ordinance. A pair of anti-gay rights protesters clutching Bibles and quoting Leviticus might have been ignored by the local media. But a couple of neo-Nazis sporting swastika armbands and hailing Hitler made the evening news and the next day’s front page. Capitalizing on that success, Herrington and his small but suited band of Nazis began vigorously exercising their First Amendment rights. They quickly became the most infamous public nuisance in the Twin Cities.

“The year after his debut at the legislature, Herrington handed over leadership of the group to Jeff Schoep, who was then 21. Schoep had been a member since at least his late teens and Herrington, who remains active with NSM today, believed that Schoep was more capable of attracting a new generation of American neo-Nazis.”

“Nazis Rising”, by David Holthouse, In Intelligence Report 121, Spring 2006. Web.

“In July, the NSM underwent a minor crisis following the resignation of Virginian slumlord und NSM Fuhrer (‘media liaison’) Bill White over the involvement of members of the group’s leadership in Satanic activities (The Joy of Satan). According to Alexander Zaitchik (“ Nazis Falling“, Intelligence Report, 123, Fall 2006):

It couldn’t have been scripted any better in Tinsel Town. After surging ahead of the sieg-heiling pack in membership and notoriety, the “Hollywood Nazis” of the National Socialist Movement have imploded in a debacle featuring hate-radio jocks, anti-racist provocateurs, superhuman egos, allegations of underage sex, and Satan.


‘The party’s problems began last June, when Citizens Against Hate discovered that NSM’s Tulsa post office box was shared by The Joy of Satan Ministry, in which the wife of NSM chairman emeritus Clifford Herrington [Andrea Herrington a/k/a Maxine Dietrich] is High Priestess. Knowing that NSM ally and hate-radio host Hal Turner was a Catholic-raised convert to the white supremacist theology of Christian Identity, the anti-racist group decided to plant a metaphorical banana peel under NSM’s unsuspecting jackboot….”


“All I want for Crassmas is a Satanic, Hollywood Nazi”, by Andy ‘@ndy’ Fleming, In Slackbastard Anarchobase.


(December 24, 2006) (accessed 4/20/10).

“Hal Turner broke into the Gordon Young show with breaking news stating that he had just been informed by NSM member Tim Bishop that Chairman Clifford Herrington had resigned. He stated that Bishop and Schoep had engaged in a three way conference call with Herrington where they confronted the Chairman with allegations of Satanism and pedophilia. The Chairman was asked to resign and when Herrington refused and got nasty, he was expelled from the group.


That was the initial report. However, the statement made today by Jeff Schoep is just a little bit different:


Comrades, “NSM Chairman Emeritis Herrington is currently retiring from his position, and will be stepping back from active duty, as he attends to some personal and family matters. On behalf of the Party, I would like to thank him for his many years of service to the NSM, and all the sacrifices he has made for us all during that time. He has been a tireless and valuable worker for the cause, and we have all learned alot from him over the years. “The Chairman has retired once before in 1993, and returned to the Party years later to assist us. Perhaps after his personal matters are squared away, we will see him again in the future.


“Hail Victory! Commander Schoep”, Fight dem back!. (July 14, 2006) (accessed 7/30/07).


“Clifford Herrington …is a very high profile Nazi and has been so for over 35 years” and “Being a Nazi, Cliff has always walked a straight line” and “At one time, I WAS a full member of the NSM and still have my membership card.” and “I wrote to Cliff for some information as he was the head of the NSM. That is how we met.”


“High Priestess Maxine Dietrich”, by Andrea Herrington, In The Black Sun 666. Web. March 2, 2007, (accessed 7/30/07).

“Two former powerhouses of the neo-Nazi scene, Aryan Nations and the National Alliance, were in states of more or less suspended animation last year. Aryan Nations still exists but is barely active. In early 2007, two of the group’s leaders, Clark Patterson and Jonathan Williams, quit to form a new Christian Identity group called the United Church of YHVH after complaining that Aryan Nations had forgotten its roots in Identity, a theology that says people of color are soulless non-humans and Jews are biologically descended from Satan.”


“The Year in Hate 2007”, by David Holthouse and Mark Potok, In Intelligence Report 129, Spring 2008, (accessed 4/20/10).

** – The author’s belief that the not for profit church known as the Joy of Satan Ministries (incorporated in the state of Oklahoma July 2004) was fraudulent is based on the testimony of one of its incorporators, “Danniel Stafford”, aka “HP Dann”, who claimed that at the time of his signing of the incorporation papers for the church he had falsified his information, was underage, and that Maxine had no real reason to incorporate for shelter against lawsuit because she was so impoverished. See below (spelling and punctuation left as found. “laugh.gif” was changed to a smiley emoticon).



“Your right, but thats when you have a board of directors, which seperates the “blame”. Unfortunately she doesnt have a board of directors so everything will be placed on her regardless 🙂 Plus she rents so its not like they could take her house away, her cars are probably worth less than 200$ each lol I dont really think they could take much more away! lol She doesnt even work so they cant cut her paycheck! Youd have to be an idiot to sue Maxine lol she doesn’t have anything! – (Posted: Apr 22 2006, 04:44 PM).



“Maxine was far to paranoid to do that [make her husband president and a batch of other people board members], not to mention all the information I gave her was false except my first name 🙂 , plus none of them have anything in their names :), Willard [Chapman] lives with his grandma, Salem [Burke] lives with his parents and brother, I doubt they both have very expencive cars anyway cosidering Willard cant even pay for internet so.. in reality, anyone who sues the JOS is an idiot lol. Edit: Oh I forgot, I was also under 18 when I signed that as well making it null and void because minors cant sign contracts :)” – (Posted: Apr 23 2006, 3:18 AM).


*** – It is not clear to the editor who it was that wrote this hoax Preface attributed to “Dr. Joseph Talbet, PhD., D.Litt, Harvard University”, but its text is identical to an page linked from a page at which describes the ‘buzz’ on “John Dee (mathematician)”, quite possibly as part of the construction of a novel, or one more in a series of hoaxes involving the Necronomicon or John Dee’s translation of it. Maxine and her group have either been completely hoaxed or they know it is a hoax and are using it to dupe many others to their interests, since the scholarly world has nailed the origin of the book to Lovecraft in Weird Tales. See below for the concise explanation of both the first hoax Preface to the book and the origin of the idea that John Dee did a translation.


“It used to be that Necronomicon hoaxes were limited to bogus ads in book dealer trade journals or fake card catalog entries. No more. Nowadays, various mischief-makers have gone to the trouble of writing and publishing whole books spuriously claiming to be Alhazred’s Necronomicon. L. Sprague deCamp, biographer of Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard, writer, scholar, was party to the first of these tongue-in-cheek tomes, the Al-Azif, published by Owlswick Press in 1973. … Sprague wrote a Preface, …in which he apologized for the untranslated state of the text, explaining that the last few scholars who had ventured the job would not be venturing any jobs against soon! I have also included his later commentary on the project:


“‘…when George Scithers published Al-Azif (The Necronomicon) by “Abdul Alhazred,” I concocted a fanciful account of my doings in Baghdadon January 2, 1967. The Necronomicon was a sinister unwritten volume of magical spells invented by H.P. Lovecraft for his fantasy stories in Weird Tales. The work, he said, was written in the eighth century by a mad Arabian poet, who suffered the spectacular fate of being devoured by an invisible entity before terrified witnesses.


“‘Lovecraft’s scholarly use of this fictitious voume convinced many that the book existed, and innumerable peple have plagued librarians and booksellers for copies. Having decided that if the Necronomicon did not exist, it should, George Scithers hired an artist to decorate blank pages with a series of squiggles vaguely resembling Arabic and Syriac writing.


“‘I composed the preface, telling how the Iraqis sold me the manuscript after three of their servants had tried to translate it and had disappeared under strange and sinister circumstances. George’s edition, comprising 348 copies, promptly sold out.'”


The Necronomicon: Selected Stories and Essays Concerning the Blasphemous Tome of the Mad Arab, edited and introduced by Robert M. Price, Chaosium Inc., 1996; p. 128, quoting L. Sprague deCamp.

“One of the most intriguing facts about the Necronomicon is its association with the Elizabethan Magus Dr. John Dee, Court Astrologer to the Queen. He employed a scrying crystal to communicate with angels, from whom he learned the Enochian language. [Analyzed by linguists to be a cipher, not a language at all. – nocTifer] (Why ‘Enochian?’ Because a long Jewish and Christian tradition made the antediluvian patriarch Enoch a great revealer of heavenly secrets.) The Dee connection was the brainchild of Lovecraft’s pal Frank Belknap Long. In his early tale ‘The Space Eaters’ (1928), Belknapius headed the tale with an epigram from ‘John Dee’s Necronomicon‘ and featured the book later in the story, as a deus ex machina. I have always had the impression that Frank intended Dr. Dee as the actual author of the dreaded volume, despite Lovecraft’s ascription of it elsewhere to Abdul Alhazred. Maybe we have a parallel here to the time Lovecraft’s imagination ran ahead of him, filling in bibliographical lore for Richard F. Searight’s creation The Eltdown Shards, unaware that Searight himself had simultaneously dreamed up his own version. Lovecraft did incorporate Long’s mention of John Dee by making him the translator of Alhazred into English.”

Ibid., Robert M. Price, p. 128.

© 2010 authors cited.

This version of this document may be copied as long as

it is in pursuit of aims which are not for profit,

the contents of the document are kept in their entirety,

and this copyright notice is retained intact.

For publishing permission, please contact the editor and all authors cited.


[The Joy of Satan] Keep Your Kids on a Leash — Zach Black to the Joy of Satan

“Message to Joy of Satan: Keep your fucking kids on a leash or I will.”

—Zach Black

The Insane Story of the Most Daring Operation in Mossad History

A Special Request Post for Veronika Hompoop

For Psychopath Pedophile Child Murdering Veronika Hompoop:
To kill Nazis is no crime…

Veronika Hompo
The true Satanists are planning a surprise for you.
Your time is coming.
So long, insane psychopath stalking child abuser. Remember, those who harmed children usually don’t fare well in prison. 🙂 You have harmed many.
Sweet dreams.