How to Tell When HoodedCobrastein is Screwing with Your Yahoo! Group Posts: X-eGroups-Edited-By: crocobra2411@…

Mr. Bernstein doesn’t like it when users don’t obey him. He’s a man-child, around 26 years old give or take, and he’s full of rage. Keep in mind, this is a guy that is not only half Jewish, but fucked a Jewish girl whose father is a Rabbi. He’s done everything the Joy of Satan would have his head for. His only outlet is to post rambling hate speeches that he calls “sermons” and to edit user posts when he feels they don’t fly with him.

View the source. This is what you’ll see when hooded_stickyhands screws with user posts to make them look bad. Most Jos members are teenagers, so they don’t even think for a second that anyone would bother to mess with posts. Hoody is also responsible for those “Yahoo! glitches” — those whoospies he claims are Yahoo’s Jew fault for posts not going through. That’s just him sitting there with one hand in his Hanes underwear pocket and the other editing ignorant and naive user posts.

X-eGroups-Edited-By: crocobra2411@…

This is an example of an edited post:

I Have The Truth
Message 10 of 15 , Nov 2, 2016

I wish Joy of Satan accepted jews but you do not. So I am angry that I don’t feel welcomed here…Just can’t stand the Nazism. Also don’t call him ‘S-t-n’. His name is Enki. Satan sounds a bit scary. Enkiism at least accept jews like the CoS and all other organizations. Bye then. I will go join them instead and not this bigoted place.


Click “View Source” and you see what he’s done. You won’t see this on regular posts, because he doesn’t edit them. Pretty easy to understand, right? No lies, no mysteries, just plain outright sneaky sabotage by the second rat of JoS.


Another example of edited content to dupe JoS members into thinking their fellow members have posted things they have not:

171728  Lol, to the JoS, I tried

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  • richardlesterhailsatan11
    Nov 9, 2016
    I created this thoughform by my own drug use and foolishness and now I blame Satan for it.
    I am very weak and a disgusting person, and i have been doing meth. meth caused me psychosis and now after 7 years of being supposedly dedicated, i blame Satan for supposedly sticking a thoughform on me. Been spamming the group for months. I always blame shift to Satan and the gods and I have attacked the JoS without reasons in the past but blaming them for my own weakness and inferiority. I also think I am jewish. What to do?
X-Original-Reply-To: richardlesterhailsatan11@…
Subject: Lol, to the JoS, I tried
X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=547182492; y=j0fTdV6uH-l0ZX9m8E9t3MijVOj831oHUG3IQfk_DcwF8dsqocR0yzcNRmO1C73pOvEY
X-Yahoo-Profile: richardlesterhailsatan11
X-eGroups-Edited-By: crocobra2411@…
X-Original-From: richardlesterhailsatan11@…
Reply-To: richardlesterhailsatan11@…
X-Original-Return-Path: richardlesterhailsatan11@…
X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: groups-system
X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: groups-system
X-eGroups-Approved-By: crocobra2411 via web; 09 Nov 2016 14:21:36 -0000
From: richardlesterhailsatan11@…

The only nutcase here is HoodedCobra, or as we like to lovingly call him, hoodedpenileimplant666 or UncircumcisedTrouserSnake999, though we highly doubt the young man-child is unsnipped. He’s snipped for sure, with a last name such as Bernstein and given the area he lived in 7 years ago (Jews, Jews and more Jews).

There are so many examples of this immature child’s little game played upon unsuspecting users in the Yahoo! Groups, but no more. Word is out, and he will now have to edit regular posts, all the posts or no posts in order to try to make himself appear as if this is all a ruse…and folks, it’s not. The truth sucks, doesn’t it, for those in the Joy of Satan, that is. HoodedHalfJewishGardenSnake666 gets off by editing user comments. Fact.

UPDATE: I have to change the sentence above which states “The only nutcase here is HoodedCobra…” because Richard Lester, aka richardlesterhailsatan11 aka “Joy of Satan Testimonial” on YouTube is apparently psychotic, suffering from some serious paranoid delusions and not at all bashful about sharing his paranoia on YouTube. He thinks everyone is a Jew and that he’s got a thoughform stuck on him.
He’s going to have a lot more to worry about than a thought form.
He has stepped in a pile of shit.

170715  To the JoS ministry

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  • richardlesterhailsatan11
    Oct 19, 2016

    I am a nutcase and I have been blaming others for it. I want forgiveness.

X-eGroups-Edited-By: crocobra2411@…
X-Original-From: richardlesterhailsatan11@…
Reply-To: richardlesterhailsatan11@…
X-Original-Return-Path: richardlesterhailsatan11@…
X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: groups-system
X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: groups-system
X-eGroups-Approved-By: crocobra2411 via web; 19 Oct 2016 17:26:56 -0000
From: richardlesterhailsatan11@…


There you go, folks.

You have a snake in the Joy of Satan. Enjoy!144637529899822

This is Richard “My Jesus Christ UFO Testimonials” YouTube channel:
He is most likely a teenager, as you will be able to tell from his voice and his behavior. In one video he starts talking, then stops to yell at what sounds like his mom. He flips out on a family member who steps into his room and interrupts his little video-making time and he yells at them, with no respect all. He deserves an ass-whooping, or possibly to get the fuck out of the house and try living on his own! Anyway, let’s move on. Richie NutsUpstairs thinks Exposing the Joy of Satan is “working with the JoS. Yes you didn’t read that wrong, this little deluded kid thinks I would have anything to do with anyone from the JoS in any way, shape or form AND he thinks we have some connection. Laugh and catch your breath.
Anyone who knows the EtJOS knows it began on and knows there is no connection or collaboration with that cult of Nazis. We do not collaborate with brainwashed cult members that don’t grasp reality. Richard doesn’t grasp reality either. And neither does HoodedBernstein, not if he needs to edit user posts and still has yet to admit he did indeed sleep with a full-blooded Jew and enjoy it, and her father, a Rabbi, knows about it.

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